Offline Events Across Canada: Halifax
Join us in Halifax on July 29th for our Offline Activity. We will be going kayaking on the Shubie Canal.
The event is free for CCE members, however we will collect a $35 deposit that will be refunded after the event. Non Members are welcome to attend and the cost is $35.
We will follow with a social at MicMacs at 12:30pm (so if you don’t want to Kayak, you can RSVP to just attend the social).
First drink free for CCE Members.
10am ADT
Wildwood Water Sports – Located in Shubie Park, on the historic Shubenacadie Canal, near the Fairbanks Centre, 54 Locks Rd., Dartmouth (in a little boathouse down by the water)
Canadian Cinema Editors / Les Monteurs et Monteuses de cinéma canadien
Access Member Event Registration
If you are a member of the CCE, click here to login through the membership portal to access your member priced tickets.
Not a member yet? Click here to join.
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