Assemblée générale annuelle du CCE 2024

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Assemblée générale annuelle du CCE

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Assemblée générale annuelle

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Volunteer Recognition Award 2022

Volunteer Recognition Award 2022

And the Volunteer Recognition Award 2022 Goes To...

Majda Drinnan

The CCE wouldn’t be able to operate without the dedication of our many volunteers. From our committee members to our podcast content teams, to our awards juries, and even those who have taken the time to provide your input at town hall meetings, we couldn’t keep the organization going without you.

From time to time, the CCE likes to recognize volunteers who have made outsized contributions to the organization, and this year we presented the Volunteer Recognition Award to someone who definitely deserves it.

Majda Drinnan has been a stalwart member of the CCE Awards committee for 11 years, as well as a jury head for the last 8 years (and a jury member before that). She manages all the trophies and certificates that are handed out at each ceremony.

In addition, she uses her glassmaking skills to create the CCE special awards each year. The trophies that we give out for the Lifetime and Career achievement awards are hand-made by Majda in her glass studio – they are each one-of-a-kind original works of art.

Thanks Majda for your continued dedication to the CCE!

In the photo series below, Majda demonstrates how the Special Awards are handmade in her glass studio.

2022 Volunteer Recognition Award Majda
2022 Volunteer Recognition Award Majda

How They're Made:

Every award starts with a sheet of clear glass that’s cut into two circles. The two layers are then fused together to create a solid circle with rounded edges.

2022 Volunteer Recognition Award Majda
2022 Volunteer Recognition Award Majda
2022 Volunteer Recognition Award Majda

When the disc comes out of the kiln, it’s cleaned and placed on top of the CCE logo. The red paint is a mix of very fine red glass powder, water and aloe gel. After the paint is applied, it’s re-fired in the kiln.

2022 Volunteer Recognition Award Majda
2022 Volunteer Recognition Award Majda
2022 Volunteer Recognition Award Majda

After the glass paint has been applied to the glass, it’s put on a light table to check for holes. Then it goes back in the kiln to be fired. This process is repeated two to three times – paint, fire, paint, fire – until a nice solid colour is achieved with no holes.

The middle picture below shows the result after a second coat has been fired. You can see I’ve re-applied the glass paint over top of the two Cs, and the lighter coloured E still needs the second coat.

2022 Volunteer Recognition Award Majda
2022 Volunteer Recognition Award Majda
2022 Volunteer Recognition Award Majda

The finished award is then taken to get a wooden base put on it and engraved.

Out of the kiln and ready to drop off to the wood artist to engrave and create the bases.

2022 Volunteer Recognition Award Majda
2022 Volunteer Recognition Award Majda

Atelier : Le métier d’, avec Paul Whitehead

Présenté en anglais seulement

Cet atelier se tiendra en ligne de 9h à 17h HNE, les 23 et 24 octobre 2021.

Description du cours

Ce cours d’une durée de deux jours abordera non seulement les aspects procéduraux et logistiques de la fonction de l’assistant.e-monteur.euse, mais inclura également un survol global des enjeux politiques et psychologiques du montage et la façon dont ils affectent tout le monde impliqué dans le processus. Avec vingt ans d’expérience en tant qu’assistant-monteur, Paul Whitehead saura vous livrer généreusement ses conseils et ses anecdotes pour illustrer des leçons apprises à la dure. Les personnes débutantes comme les plus expérimentées pourront tirer profit de ce cours. À noter : ce cours n’enseigne pas l’utilisation d’Avid, de Premiere ni d’aucun autre logiciel. 

Le CCE aimerait éviter que le droit d’entrée empêche quiconque d’assister à l’événement. N'hésitez pas à demander un billet à prix réduit en nous écrivant à

Si cet événement affiche complet et que vous voudriez vous mettre sur notre liste d’attente, veuillez nous écrire à

La biographie suivante est uniquement rédigée dans la langue de présentation.

Paul Whitehead
Paul Whitehead

Paul Whitehead has been a fixture in the Toronto Post Production community for over 30 years. He has worked as First Assistant Editor on over 50 film and television productions, and now edits episodic television and feature films. His career began at the dawn of non-linear editing technology, which allowed him to witness and contribute to its development over the years. Paul has taught others the art of assisting throughout his career both one on one and at the college level, and believes strongly that experience must be passed on to maintain the high standards that Canadian crews are known for.  

Atelier : Le métier d’, avec Paul Whitehead

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Assemblée générale annuelle

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