L'art du montage

Épisode 001 : Ziva Postec, la monteuse derrière le film Shoah

Ziva Postec

Épisode 1 : Ziva Postec, la monteuse derrière le film Shoah

Rencontre avec Annie Jean, CCE, et Catherine Hébert, animée par Paul Ruban

Épisode 001: Ziva Postec, la monteuse derrière le film Shoah, Ziva Postec

Nous sommes heureux de vous présenter le premier épisode L’art du Montage.

Le 7 novembre 2019, le CCE a organisé une projection du film ZIVA POSTEC, LA MONTEUSE DERRIÈRE LE FILM SHOAH, à l’Alliance Française de Toronto, en présence de la réalisatrice Catherine Hébert, et de la monteuse Annie Jean, CCE. Cette soirée a été animée par Paul Ruban. Nous avons le plaisir de vous partager cette belle soirée de discussion autour de ce film.




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Que voulez-vous entendre sur L'art du montage

Veuillez nous envoyer un courriel en mentionnant les sujets que vous aimeriez que nous abordions, ou les monteurs.euses dont vous aimeriez entendre parler, à :


Un grand Merci à

Laetitia Delemarre, Mélissa Cuvilliez, Marin Stemmelen de L'Alliance Française de Toronto

Sarah Taylor

Annie Jean, CCE

Catherine Hébert

Paul Ruban

Clotilde Vatrinet et les Les Films du 3 Mars

Claire Pochon

Isabelle Malenfant, CCE

Claudia Hébert

Maud Le Chevallier, chez Bam Library


Paul Ruban

Animatrice du balado

Myriam Poirier


Pauline Decroix

Design sonore du générique d'ouverture

Jane Tattersall, adapté en version française par Pauline Decroix

Mixé et masterisé par

Tony Bao

Musique généreusement offerte par


Rosie Awards Nominations 2019

Rosie Awards 2019 - Nominations for CCE Members

Rosie Award Nominees 2019

Congratulations to our CCE members in Alberta who are nominated for Rosie Awards.

Sarah Taylor has 3 nominations, Brenda Terning has 2 nominations and Krystal Moss and Ken Filewych, CCE each have 1 nomination.

Good luck!

Sarah Taylor (plus 1 other editor)

Caution: May Contain Nuts – “Sexy Bigfoot Alien Chef’

Sarah Taylor

The Suburbanight

Ken Filewych, CCE

Heartland – “A Fine Balance”

Brenda Terning

Equus: Story of the Horse – “Origins”

Krystal Moss & Brenda Terning

Equus: Story of the Horse – “Chasing the Wind”

Événements passés

CCE Holiday Parties 2018

2018 CCE Holiday Parties

2018 CCE Holiday Parties Across Canada:

This week the CCE held three Holiday Parties (unfortunately due to province wide power outages, we had to postpone our Halifax Event).

On Wednesday night Edmonton and Vancouver held their events. By all accounts everyone had a great time!

Last night Toronto held its Holiday Social and it was hosted by Eggplant Picture and Sound. Over 70 were in attendance.

Thank you to Eggplant for being wonderful hosts!

About the Event(s)


Eggplant Picture and Sound has generously offered to host our Toronto Members Holiday Social. They will provide tasty snacks and a variety of beverages. As this is a sponsored event by Eggplant, it will be for members only.



This year, the CCE is joining forces with ESIO, APPA and FAVA to host a Holiday Party in Edmonton! From 4 – 5 pm – Simon Trafford from Social Lite will provide an interactive presentation on Guaranteeing the Successful Launch of Your Video Game or Film Production.

And from 5 – 8(ish) there will be networking, live entertainment and appetizers along with a cash bar.

50/50 draw in support of the Food Bank.





Thank You to Our 2018 Annual Awards Sponsors

2018 Awards Event Sponsors - Thank You From All of Us at the CCE

2018 Annual Awards Event Sponsors

We would like to thank our sponsors for our 2018 awards. Without your support this event could not be possible.


Sims Logo Sponsor 2018 CCE Awards Event


Apple Electronics Lmt 2018 Event Sponsor logo
Canadian Film Centre Logo
IATSE 2018 Sponsor Event logo
MELS Studio 2018 Awards Event Sponsor logo
Technicolour 2018 Event Sponsor Logo
Boris FX Logo Sponsor
eOne Sponsor Logo
JAM Post Logo Sponsor
Meridian 2018 Awards Event Sponsor Logo
Take5 Productions 2018 Events Sponsors Logo
Triangle Post 2018 Event Sponsor Logo


Eggplant Picture and Sound 2018 Event Sponsor Logo
REDLAB Logo Sponsor
Indira Tara PR 2018 Event Sponsor Logo
Vanguard Artists 2018 Event Sponsor Logo


FINALE 2018 Event Sponsor Logo

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