L'art du montage

Episode 9: Meet Sophie Leblond and Stéphane Lafleur


Episode 009: Meet Sophie Leblond and Stéphane Lafleur

In this new episode, and must we say, the new season of our beloved podcast, we meet an amazing duo.


On one side, we have the experienced editor Sophie Leblond, and on the other side Stéphane Lafleur, director or editor by turns. And when Stéphane Lafleur puts on his director’s hat, he always calls upon the services of his faithful ally. We will try to unravel the mystery of this long and fruitful collaboration.

Presented in french.

Photo Stéphane Lafleur : ©C.HAYEUR

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A special thanks goes to

Sophie Leblond

Stéphane Lafleur

Myriam Poirier, CCE

Maud Le Chevallier

MELS Studio: Rachel Lampron, Raphaël Paré and Mathieu Maillé

Hosted by

Myriam Poirier, CCE

Main Title Sound Design by

Jane Tattersall, adapted in french by Pauline Decroix

Edited by

Pauline Decroix

Sound Recordist

Mathieu Maillé

Mixed and Mastered by

Tony Bao

Music generously offered by

Bam Library

L'art du montage

Episode 8: Meet Teresa De Luca, CCE


Episode 8: Meet Teresa De Luca, CCE

Last episode before the summer, this one dedicated to Teresa De Luca, CCE.

Cardinal Sandy Pereira 2021 BEST PICTURE EDITING, DRAMA

Teresa is originally from Montreal, where she has lived for most of her life. But today, she lives in Toronto, and works on successful TV series, like 19-2, CARDINAL, or CORONER that you can see right now on Netflix. We wanted to know more about her background, and her decision to move to the Queen City.


Presented in french.


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A special thanks goes to

Teresa De Luca, CCE

Myriam Poirier, CCE

Sarah Taylor,

Maud Le Chevallier

Hosted by

Myriam Poirier, CCE

Edited by

Pauline Decroix

Main Title Sound Design by

Jane Tattersall, adapted in french by Pauline Decroix

Mixed and Mastered by

Tony Bao

Music generously offered by

Bam Library

L'art du montage

Episode 006: Interview with Myriam Poirier, CCE

EPISODE006_Interview with Myriam Poirier, CCE

Episode 6: Interview with Myriam Poirier, CCE

This episode is dedicated to Myriam Poirier's master class, recorded in January 2021, and hosted by Isabelle Malenfant, CCE.

In this interview, we will go through Myriam Poirier‘s career, with a special emphasis on her latest work, the film 14 DAYS, 12 NIGHTS, directed by Jean-Philippe Duval.



Presented in French


This Master Class was generously sponsored by IATSE891, Integral artists, and Vancouver post alliance.

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What do you want to hear on L'art du montage

Please send along any topics you would like us to cover or editors you would love to hear from:


A special thanks goes to

Isabelle Malenfant, CCE

Myriam Poirier, CCE

Attraction Images Inc., Shannon L'Hérault

Bam Library, Maud Le Chevallier

MELS Studios, Rachel Lampron, Raphaël Paré and Mathieu Maillé

Hosted by

Isabelle Malenfant, CCE

Edited by

Pauline Decroix

Opening Sound Design

Jane Tattersall, adapted in french by Pauline Decroix

Mixed and Mastered by

Tony Bao

Sound recording studio

MELS Studios - Sound Department

Music generously offered by

Bam Library

Past Events

En discussion avec Myriam Poirier, CCE

En discussion avec Myriam Poirier, CCE
le 19 janvier 2021

Cet événement a eu lieu le 12 janvier 2021

Conférence en français  /  Presented in French

Myriam Poirier signe le montage et la conception sonore du film 14 jours, 12 nuits, de Jean-Philippe Duval. Nous parlerons avec elle de son double rôle sur ce projet, qui lui a permis de renouer avec le travail de monteuse sonore, qu’elle a exercé au début de sa carrière. Ce somptueux film, tissé tout en finesse, nous démontre l’importance accordée au langage tant visuel que sonore d’un film.

L’événement sera animé par Isabelle Malenfant, CCE.

Isabelle Malenfant nourrit une passion pour les histoires dramatiques, mais aussi un intérêt pour les projets qui la poussent à apprendre de nouvelles techniques. C’est cette curiosité qui l’a amenée à toucher à la comédie (Steak, Dans Une Galaxie Près de Chez Vous 2, Fabuleuses), aux projets d’effets spéciaux (Assassin’s Creed, Watch Dogs), et à l’animation (Mune, The Procession). Fidèle collaboratrice de Francis Leclerc, elle a travaillé avec lui sur le populaire sitcom Les beaux malaises, les séries Le Phoenix, Marche à l’ombre et Mon meilleur ami, de même que sur les longs métrages Pieds nus dans l’aube et L’arracheuse de temps. Elle a aussi travaillé aux côtés des réalisateur.trice.s Yves Simoneau, François Jaros, Louise Archambault, Quentin Dupieux, Olivier Asselin et Mélanie Charbonneau. Elle a souvent été en nomination aux Gémeaux, aux Jutra de même qu’aux prix CCE. En 2018, elle a remporté le prix CCE pour meilleur montage d’un long métrage avec Pieds nus dans l’aube. Elle aime être impliquée sur le CA du CCE pour mettre en lumière le talent des monteur.euse.s québécois.e.s lors des événements francophones et échanger à propos de notre art créatif avec le reste de la communauté du CCE.

Myriam Poirier, CCE, cumule près de 35 ans d’expérience en montage. Après des débuts en tant que monteuse sonore, elle se consacre uniquement au montage autant en documentaire qu’en série télévisée et long-métrage de fiction. Parmi les oeuvres auxquelles elle a collaboré, on note entre autres les documentaires “Citizen Lambert : Jeanne d’Architecture” et les docu-séries “Marché Jean-Talon”, “École de danse” et “Manifestes en série”; les séries dramatiques “Belle Baie”, “Prozac”, “Mensonges”,” L’imposteur”, “Fugueuse” et “Unité 9”; les films “La chasse-galerie ” et “14 jours, 12 nuits”. Plusieurs de ces projets sont le fruit de son étroite collaboration avec le réalisateur Jean-Philippe Duval. Elle a aussi mis son talent artistique à contribution auprès de Renée Blanchar, Teri Wehn-Damisch, Éric Tessier et Yan Lanouette-Turgeon.

With thanks to our sponsors

About the Event

January 2021

7:00pm EST


L'art du montage

Episode 004: Interview with Michel Arcand, CCE

Épisode 004: L’art du Montage: Rencontre avec Michel Arcand, CCE, Interview with Michel Arcand, CCE

Episode 4: Interview with Michel Arcand, CCE

This episode dives into the heart of the impressive career of the distinguished editor, Michel Arcand, CCE.

L'art du montage episode 004 michel arcand editor

The career of Michel Arcand is intimately linked to the history of Quebec cinema. He has worked on renowned Canadian and international productions, including the hit James Bond film, TOMORROW NEVER DIES.

Presented in French.

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A special thanks goes to

Michel Arcand, CCE

Isabelle Malenfant, CCE

Sarah Taylor

Maud Le Chevallier

MELS Studios, Rachel Lampron, Louis-Antoine Lassonde

Hosted by

Myriam Poirier

Edited by

Pauline Decroix

Sound recording studio

MELS Studios - Sound Department

Opening Sound Design

Jane Tattersall, adapted in french by Pauline Decroix

Mixed and Mastered by

Tony Bao

Music generously offered by

L'art du montage

Episode 003: Meeting with Arthur Tarnowski, ACE, hosted by Isabelle Malenfant, CCE

Épisode 003: L’art du Montage: Rencontre avec Arthur Tarnowski, ACE, animée par Isabelle Malenfant, CCE

Episode 3: Meet Arthur Tarnowski, ACE, hosted by Isabelle Malenfant, CCE

Épisode 003: L’art du Montage: Rencontre avec Arthur Tarnowski, ACE

This episode is Arthur Tarnowski’s Master Class. The discussion is focusing on his last project, the first ever Quebec Netflix production: The Decline.

The event was generously sponsored by Annex Pro/Avid.

Presented in French.

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A special thanks goes to

Arthur Tarnowski, ACE

Isabelle Malenfant, CCE

Julie Groleau, Couronne Nord

Sarah Taylor

Michel Arcand, CCE

Bam Library, Maud Le Chevallier

and our sponsors Annex Pro/Avid


Isabelle Malenfant, CCE

Podcast Host

Myriam Poirier


Pauline Decroix

Main Title Sound Design by

Jane Tattersall, adapted in french by Pauline Decroix

Mixed and Mastered by

Tony Bao

Music generously offered by

L'art du montage

Episode 002: Assistant editor, a profession in its own right. Meeting with Edith Bellehumeur.

Edith Bellehumeur_Podcast

Episode 2: Assistant editor, a profession in its own right. Meeting with Edith Bellehumeur.

David Di Francesco, our podcast co-host, spoke with Edith Bellehumeur, assistant editor in film and television. Edith talks about her career path, her work in Montreal with several renowned editors, her vision of the profession and her transition to editing.

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A special thanks goes to

Edith Bellehumeur

David DiFrancesco

Sarah Taylor

Isabelle Malenfant, CCE

Claudia Hébert

Maud Le Chevallier

Hosted by

David Di Francesco

Edited by

David Di Francesco

Main Title Sound Design by

Jane Tattersall, adapté en version française par Pauline Decroix

Mixed and Mastered by

Tony Bao

Music generously offered by

L'art du montage

Episode 001: Ziva Postec, The Editor Behind the Film Shoah

Ziva Postec

Episode 1: Ziva Postec, The Editor Behind the Film Shoah

Meeting with Annie Jean, CCE, and Catherine Hébert, hosted by Paul Ruban

Épisode 001: Ziva Postec, la monteuse derrière le film Shoah, Ziva Postec

We are pleased to present the first episode of L’art du Montage.

On November 7, 2019, the CCE hosted a screening of ZIVA POSTEC, THE EDITOR BEHIND THE FILM SHOAH, at the Alliance Française of Toronto, with director Catherine Hébert, and editor Annie Jean, CCE. The evening was hosted by Paul Ruban. We are pleased to share with you this beautiful evening of discussion around this film.




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What do you want to hear on L'art du montage?

Please send along any topics you would like us to cover or editors you would love to hear from:


A special thanks goes to

Laetitia Delemarre, Mélissa Cuvilliez, Marin Stemmelen de L'Alliance Française de Toronto

Sarah Taylor

Annie Jean, CCE

Catherine Hébert

Paul Ruban

Clotilde Vatrinet et les Les Films du 3 Mars

Claire Pochon

Isabelle Malenfant, CCE

Claudia Hébert

Maud Le Chevallier, at Bam Library


Paul Ruban

Podcast Host

Myriam Poirier


Pauline Decroix

Main Title Sound Design by

Jane Tattersall, adapté en version française par Pauline Decroix

Mixed and Mastered by

Tony Bao

Music generously offered by


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