Episode 013: The Bigger Picture: Editing & Mental Healthon Animation Editingson

Episode 013: The Bigger Picture - Editing & Mental Health

In this episode we are taking some time to focus on the mental and overall health of editors. Laura Di Vilio a registered psychotherapist and Zack Arnold, ACE, offer us a wealth of information on how we can live happier and more productive lives both in and out of the edit suite.

Laura Di Vilio a registered psychotherapist

Laura Di Vilio

Laura has been working as a psychotherapist for over 25 years and her experience has taught her how best to help clients gain insight, healing and inspiration. She uses a relational approach to depth-oriented psychotherapy which facilitates deep, lasting change. Laura is based in Toronto, Ontario.

Zack Arnold, ACE

Zack Arnold, ACE

Zack Arnold, ACE, is an award-winning Hollywood film and television editor based in LA. You can see his work on Cobra Kai, Empire, Burn Notice, Shooter and Glee, just to name a few. He is also a documentary director, and creator of the Optimize Yourself program and podcast. He helps editors work smarter and not harder so they can do the best creative work they?re capable of… without sacrificing their sanity in the process.

Laura has been working as a psychotherapist for over 25 years and her experience has taught her how best to help clients gain insight, healing and inspiration. She uses a relational approach to depth-oriented psychotherapy which facilitates deep, lasting change. Laura is based in Toronto, Ontario.

Resources from Laura: Apps to help with depression and anxiety

SuperBetter & SuperBetter at Work were developed by a game designer Jane McGonigal to help with her concussion symptoms. She uses games to improve psychological well- being. See her Ted Talk. She also has a book by the same name.

Headspace meditation app that makes meditating easy. They provide really good meditation instructions as well as meditations that are as short as one minute.

Happify claims that its games can help increase your happiness and reduce stress while teaching you life-changing habits.

Sanvello provides space for you to track your moods, health, and habits, offering relaxation techniques and mindfulness exercises tailored to your specific needs. It also offers curated audio exercises to deploy if you are having a panic attack.

Worry Watch helps you track your mental state over time by asking you first to write down the cause of your stress, and later asks you to return to the app to reflect on the worry and note whether the ultimate outcome was good or bad.

TalkSpace matches users with licensed therapists in their area almost instantly.

In its own words, the goal of brain.fm, an app developed in consultation with neuroscientists, is ?unlocking music?s potential to influence cognitive states.?

Books for dealing with anxiety and depression:

Books for dealing with work drama:

The School of Life is a global organization helping people lead more fulfilled lives. A resource for helping people understand themselves, for improving relationships, careers and social lives. They do this through films, workshops, books and gifts – as well as through a warm and supportive community which you can connect to on their app.

Resources from Zack:

Ultimate Guide to Optimizing Your Creativity (And Avoiding Burnout)

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Un grand Merci à

Bryan Atkinson

James Vandewater

Katie Chipperfield

Krysia Szyszlo

Alison Dowler

Jane MacRae

Hosted and Produced by

Sarah Taylor

Design sonore du générique d'ouverture

Jane Tattersall

ADR Recording by

Andrea Rusch

Mixé et masterisé par

Tony Bao

Musique originale par

Chad Blain

Sponsor Narration by

Paul Winestock


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