The Editors Cut - Episode 049 - Interview with Jane Tattersall

Episode 49: Interview with Jane Tattersall

Today?s episode is an interview with the recipient of the CCE Career Achievement Award for 2021 ? Jane Tattersall.

This episode was generously sponsored by IATSE 891

This award is presented to a non-editor who has shown great support for Canadian editors and the editorial profession over the course of their career. Jane has been a fixture in the Canadian post-production industry for over 30 years. Her enormous support for Canadian filmmakers, from our most recognized artists to first-time storytellers, has fostered incredible growth of talent across our industry. 

Jane?s sound work has taken her to studios beyond Canada, including stints in Berlin, Brussels, Budapest, London, LA, Skywalker, and New York. Numerous credits, nominations and awards followed and today Jane counts over 170 credits (film and television), and over 100 nominations and awards. Jane?s recent sound supervising includes THE HANDMAID?S TALE, THE NORTH WATER and 13 MINUTES.

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Un grand Merci à

Jane MacRae

Alison Dowler

Hosted and Produced by

Sarah Taylor

Design sonore du générique d'ouverture

Jane Tattersall

ADR Recording by

Andrea Rusch

Mixé et masterisé par

Tony Bao

Musique originale par

Chad Blain


Sponsor Narration by

Paul Winestock

Commandité par



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