Episode 012: An interview with Jonathan Dowler
In this episode Sarah sits down with Toronto based editor Jonathan Dowler to talk about his exciting career in reality and competition editing.
He recently won his 5th Canadian Screen Award for his work on The Amazing Race Canada!

Editing in the Jungle of Australia:
When it got dark the bugs that were attracted by the lights were the size of small helicopters. Note the number of Avid Suites they had – I was in Avid 20.
Big Brother Recap Team:
L to R: SR. Producer John Dolin, Jeff Perry, Editor, Samantha Shields, Editor, Jon White and Jonathan Dowler
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Un grand Merci à
Jonathan Dowler
Dino Harambasic
Alison Dowler
Jane MacRae
Hosted and Produced by
Sarah Taylor
Design sonore du générique d'ouverture
Jane Tattersall
ADR Recording by
Andrea Rusch
Mixé et masterisé par
Tony Bao
Musique originale par
Chad Blain
Sponsor Narration by