The Editors Cut

Episode 022: Interview with Pia Di Ciaula, CCE, ACE

Episode 022: Interview with Pia Di Ciaula, CCE, ACE

Episode 022: Interview with Pia Di Ciaula, CCE, ACE

In this episode Sarah Taylor sits down with award winning editor Pia Di Ciaula, CCE, ACE.

This episode was generously sponsored by Post City Picture and Sound

Pia is originally from Toronto and is now based in the UK. She is a BAFTA and CCE award winning editor best known for editing Tyrannosaur, The Crown et A Very English Scandal.

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Un grand Merci à

Jane MacRae

Pia Di Ciaula, CCE, ACE

Hosted and Produced by

Sarah Taylor

Design sonore du générique d'ouverture

Jane Tattersall

ADR Recording by

Andrea Rusch

Mixé et masterisé par

Tony Bao

Musique originale par

Chad Blain

Sponsor Narration by

Paul Winestock

Commandité par

Post City Picture and Sound


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