Past Events

Le 5 à 7 des monteurs – édition CCE

Le 5 à 7 des monteurs - édition CCE

Le 5 à 7 des monteurs - édition CCE - In Review

Le 8 janvier dernier avait lieu le 5 à 7 des monteurs – édition CCE – au bar VV Taverna. Plus d’une vingtaine de monteurs et assistants monteurs se sont réunis pour célébrer la nouvelle année et s’informer à propos du CCE. Ce fut un plaisir de vous y voir en grand nombre!

Nous vous invitons à soumettre vos films et émissions de télévision, d’ici le 7 février, pour les Prix du CCE 2020 – 10e anniversaire.

C’est rapide et simple, vous n’avez qu’à cliquer sur le lien et suivre les instructions. Partagez avec nous les montages dont vous êtes fiers !

Parlez-en autour de vous et invitez vos collègues, qu’ils soient membres ou non du CCE, à prendre part à ce grand gala qui souligne le talent des monteurs canadiens. Membre ou non du CCE, vous pouvez aussi participer au jury des Prix du CCE en vous inscrivant ici. Nous recherchons des monteurs francophones pour chacune des catégories.

About the Event

The Canadian Cinema Editors is proud to present EDITCON 2020, the third annual day-long conference on the art of picture editing, on Saturday February 1st, 2020 at the TIFF Bell Lightbox in Toronto. This year, we are very excited to welcome master editor Susan Shipton for an in-depth discussion of her work. The day will also feature panel discussions on editing comedy, theatrical films, and unscripted programming, with some of Canada’s top editors sharing a wealth of knowledge and experience. Admission will include a welcome breakfast, lunch, and a post-panel social and networking session, as well as raffles and giveaways from our sponsors. Earlybird tickets go on sale for CCE Members starting November 28, with general admission available for non-members and students on December 16.

January 8, 2020

7pm - 9pm

195 Rue de Bellechasse, Montréal

Past Events

CCE Holiday Parties 2018

2018 CCE Holiday Parties

2018 CCE Holiday Parties Across Canada:

This week the CCE held three Holiday Parties (unfortunately due to province wide power outages, we had to postpone our Halifax Event).

On Wednesday night Edmonton and Vancouver held their events. By all accounts everyone had a great time!

Last night Toronto held its Holiday Social and it was hosted by Eggplant Picture and Sound. Over 70 were in attendance.

Thank you to Eggplant for being wonderful hosts!

About the Event(s)


Eggplant Picture and Sound has generously offered to host our Toronto Members Holiday Social. They will provide tasty snacks and a variety of beverages. As this is a sponsored event by Eggplant, it will be for members only.



This year, the CCE is joining forces with ESIO, APPA and FAVA to host a Holiday Party in Edmonton! From 4 – 5 pm – Simon Trafford from Social Lite will provide an interactive presentation on Guaranteeing the Successful Launch of Your Video Game or Film Production.

And from 5 – 8(ish) there will be networking, live entertainment and appetizers along with a cash bar.

50/50 draw in support of the Food Bank.





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