Episode 017: This Year In Dramatic Film
This is part four of our four-part series covering EditCon 2019.
In this episode we will hear from indie feature editors Michelle Szemberg of Un Traductor, Christine Armstrong of The New Romantic and Isabelle Malenfant, CCE of Pieds nus dans l’aube. There?s no formula to a festival hit, but these three editors, each with a recent feature film on the circuit, shed light on their respective experiences.
This panel discussion, moderated by Lisa Grootenboer, CCE, focuses on their careers in indie film, their process in editing these films, getting a festival run, and what lies ahead.
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Un grand Merci à
Jane MacRae
Cathy Gulkin
Hosted and Produced by
Sarah Taylor
Design sonore du générique d'ouverture
Jane Tattersall
ADR Recording by
Andrea Rusch
Mixé et masterisé par
Tony Bao
Musique originale par
Chad Blain
Sponsor Narration by
Paul Winestock
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