Articles Membres Mentorship

My Mentorship Experience

My Mentorship Experience
by Brina Romanek

Brina Romanek (Mentee) Mentorship program 2020 CCEIf someone had told me two years ago, when I got accepted into the CCE Mentorship program, that I would gain a mentor who wholeheartedly believed in me, who encouraged me often, and who was completely dedicated to my success, I would have said, “I’m not sure that kind of mentorship exists.” At the time, the most I was hoping for was someone who would let me sneak into their edit booth and watch them cut for a couple days or who might be willing to review my work and give me a few pointers. I figured if I received even that much guidance, I would be lucky and grateful for it. Never in a million years would I have expected a relationship that would dramatically impact my career. That is, until I met Michèle Hozer.

The first time I met my mentor, Michèle, we went out for lunch. I can still remember the feeling of slowly sweating through my blouse as Michèle quizzed me about what I was hoping to get from the program and how I wanted to grow personally. It had been a while since I had been asked these questions in such a straightforward manner. I was working as an assistant editor for a production company in the city, and I think I had grown somewhat numb to the work. I wanted to move on from assistant editing, but I felt stuck and wasn’t quite sure how to do it. At the end of the lunch, I remember rattling off my list of experiences to Michèle. Swiftly, she jumped in and said, “you should be editing. Why aren’t you editing?” Great question, I thought as I turned bright pink and mumbled a response that equated to, “I’m not sure if I’m good enough.”

Cut to a month later when the pandemic hit, and the world was spinning out of control. Michèle and I had planned a visit to her office. I was going to spend the day seeing how she worked – how she organized bins and sorted footage. Of course, it had to be cancelled, but I don’t think either of us wanted this to mean that the program would be cancelled as well. For the next two months we sent documentary recommendations back and forth. We would watch the films and then chat about them over the phone, what worked, what didn’t work, why a certain method of storytelling was effective, etc. Our lines of communication went relatively quiet for most of the summer, but picked back up again in the fall as I called Michèle every couple of weeks getting her advice on different smaller side projects I was working on. Then, in December, Michèle called me with a proposition – a proposition that would change everything.

The film was a feature length documentary on alternative education. It had gotten to the assembly stage and now the production team was looking for an editor to take it to the final cut. Naturally, they called Michèle. When Michèle called me in December, it was to ask if I wanted to cut the film and she would story edit/mentor me along the way. I’m pretty sure that I said yes before she even finished describing the project. Having the opportunity to work with and learn from my mentor, one on one? There was no question, I was going to cut that film.

So, in February, we got to work. To say the project was smooth sailing would be a bit of an overstatement. I had a steep learning curve ahead of me and, like many editors, difficulty relinquishing control. I remember the frustration on both of our parts during the first few weeks of the edit. I would watch Michèle cut part of a scene after I had assembled it and then she would watch me finish. It was excruciating. During one such occurrence, while I was editing and Michèle was guiding, she suddenly exclaimed, “I feel like I have mittens on and I can’t touch the keys!” We both cracked up. We were still finding our rhythm. It was tough but looking back it was probably some of the most valuable education I’ve ever received. 

As we got into the middle of the edit, Michèle got more and more hands off. In the morning we would review the selects together for a particular scene. We’d move them around until we had settled on a structure that felt right, and then in the afternoon I would cut the whole thing together, complete with music, viz, and sound effects. We had found our rhythm and I was beginning to see myself grow.

For the next two months Michèle challenged me in every way ? “why did you decide to use this visual? Are you sure this piece of music works best? Does this exposition actually make sense?” But she supported me as well. In every moment that I was down on myself or felt like I couldn’t do it, she would humanize the feeling, recalling all the times when she had felt the same way, telling me that it was normal, and encouraging me to go for a walk in the sun to get a shift of perspective before returning to the cut. Michèle was always there. Even at 10:30 the night before I delivered my final scene to the director, she took my calls of panic as I stressed about how to perfectly end the story.

When the film was finally complete (the director and producer both pleased with the end result), I did three weeks’ worth of laundry, slept for a solid fourteen hours and called Michèle. I was exhausted, pleased, and ready for a small break. I remember Michèle congratulating me and, despite my best efforts, refusing to take any of the credit for herself. “This was you,” she said. “You did this.”

Now, seven months out, I look back on this project with an immense amount of gratitude. Michèle has given me a foundation as a storyteller that I don’t think I could have found anywhere else. Somedays, working on the film was hard. Michèle would ask things of me that I wasn’t sure I could actually do. And, of anyone I’ve ever worked with, she was the toughest on my edits and my choices. But I see now why she did it. She was helping me to become a more articulate, thoughtful editor. She was equipping me with a toolbox and skills I’d need to succeed in any situation, and I am forever indebted to her for it.

So, two years ago, if you had told me that I would gain a mentor from the CCE mentorship program who believed in me wholeheartedly, who encouraged me often, and who was completely dedicated to my success, I would have said, “I’m not sure that kind of mentorship exists.” But now, I am very happy to report that it does.

Brina Romanek

Brina Romanek est une réalisatrice et monteuse de films documentaires. Elle a travaillé comme réalisatrice pour True Calling Media, RogersTV et CBC Short Docs. Comme monteuse, Brina a contribué à des films qui ont été diffusés sur Zoomer Media, Crave TV, The Travel Channel, TVO et CBC. Plus récemment, Brina a eu l’honneur de collaborer avec l’équipe de Cream Productions pour créer la série documentaire d’horreur en deux parties, BATHSHEBA. Brina est aussi la monteuse audio attitrée du balado Indigenous Climate Action.

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l'EditCon 2022

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« Le montage c'est comme une passion...La découverte de tout un monde dans lequel on s'apprête à entrer. »
Arthur Tarnowski, ACE

Le CCE a tenu sa 5e édition de l'EditCon en ligne, avec deux jours formidables de tables rondes, de discussions en salles virtuelles et de réseautage réunissant plus de deux cents participant.e.s du Canada et de partout dans le monde.

Présenté sous le thème « Le Meilleur des mondes », nous avons eu la chance d'accueillir les monteur·euse·s des séries addictives TED LASSO, CHRONIQUES DE BRIDGERTON et SORT OF, ainsi que des films à succès de l'année comme SHANG-CHI ET LA LÉGENDE DES DIX ANNEAUX, LES ÉTERNELS et SOS FANTÔMES : L’AU-DELÀ. D'autres tables rondes mettaient en vedette les monteur·euse·s de ALL MY PUNY SORROWS, SCARBOROUGH, LES OISEAUX IVRES et NIGHT RAIDERS (des films qui figuraient dans le Top 10 du TIFF!) de même que de A CURE FOR A COMMON CLASSROOM et BETRAYAL.

L'EditCon ne serait pas ce qu'il est sans un bon vieux tirage, réalisé grâce aux dons de nos généreux commanditaires. Par la suite, les participant·e·s ont pu bavarder dans un salon de réseautage virtuel. 

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2022 Panelists EditCon


« J'ai une réaction émotive devant les performances et j'essaie de monter rapidement avec mon intuition plutôt qu'avec ma tête. »
Michelle Szemberg, CCE
Michelle Szemberg, CCE

Le cinéma canadien en 2021

2021 a vu l’industrie du cinéma revenir en force avec une ardeur jamais vue. Cette forte résurgence nous a apporté une pléthore d’histoires d’ici, à la fois puissantes et diverses, comme le drame familial touchant ALL MY PUNY SORROWS, le brillant et cru SCARBOROUGH, le film qui représentera le Canada aux Oscars, LES OISEAUX IVRES, et le thriller de science-fiction haletant, NIGHT RAIDERS. Les monteur·euse·s de ces exceptionnelles productions canadiennes vous convient à cette conversation intime sur l’art de raconter des histoires.

Simone Smith-SQSimone Smith est une monteuse de cinéma et de télévision primée basée à Toronto. Elle a notamment collaboré aux productions FIRECRACKERS, GOALIE et NEVER STEADY, NEVER STILL. Elle a récemment terminé le montage de la série THE LAKE pour Amazon. Elle travaille présentement au long métrage FLOAT, mettant en vedette Andrea Bang et Robbie Amell, pour Lionsgate.

Orlee BuiumOrlee Buium est une monteuse qui se passionne pour les films porteurs d’un contenu socialement engagé. Elle cumule 15 années d’expérience dans le domaine du montage, notamment en tant qu’assistante-monteuse sur KICK-ASS 2, THE EXPANSE et LA GALERIE DES CŒURS BRISÉS. Comme monteuse, elle a travaillé entre autres sur QUEEN OF THE MORNING CALM (qui a été nommé aux prix GCR pour meilleur montage), THE RETREAT (Showtime) et RUN WOMAN RUN. Plus récemment, Orlee a bouclé le montage du dernier long métrage de Michael McGowan, ALL MY PUNY SORROWS, qui a été dévoilé au TIFF 2021 lors d’une présentation spéciale.

Jorge Weisz, CCEJorge Weisz, CCE, est né et a grandi à Mexico et vit présentement à Toronto. Il a travaillé sur des films primés comme EMPIRE OF DIRT de Peter Stebbings, qui a été présenté au TIFF en 2013, LES FILLES D’AVRIL de Michel Franco, qui a remporté le prix du jury dans la section Un certain regard à Cannes en 2017, et plus récemment sur NIGHT RAIDERS, de Danis Goulet, qui a eu sa première à la Berlinale en 2021. En ce moment, il fait de nouveau équipe avec Christian Sparkes pour le film SWEETLAND.

Michelle Szemberg, CCEAprès avoir obtenu son diplôme du programme de cinéma à l’université York, Michelle a travaillé longtemps comme assistante-monteuse. Ceci lui a permis de côtoyer les plus grands noms du cinéma canadien et d’apprendre énormément à leurs côtés. En tant que monteuse, elle a travaillé entre autres sur NATASHA, SOUS SES LÈVRES, BETWEEN, UN TRADUCTOR (présenté à Sundance en 2018) et TROUVER LE NORD. Son dernier film, qui a remporté un prix GCR, est ALL MY PUNY SORROWS, présenté au TIFF en 2021.

Arthur TarnowskiArthur Tarnowski, ACE est un monteur prolifique qui se passionne pour tous les genres, autant les films d’auteurs que les comédies populaires, en passant par les films d’action. Parmi les longs métrages qu’il a montés, on retrouve : LES OISEAUX IVRES, BEST SELLERS, JUSQU’AU DÉCLIN, LE PROJET HUMMINGBIRD, LA CHUTE DE L’EMPIRE AMÉRICAIN, LE TROTSKY, BRICK MANSIONS, CHUTE MORTELLE, WHITEWASH et MENTEUR. En télévision, il a monté entre autres : 19-2, BAD BLOOD, BEING HUMAN, MOHAWK GIRLS, LES MOODYS et VIRAGE. Il a également conçu plus de 150 bandes-annonces de films, incluant plusieurs succès du Box-office québécois.

Rich WilliamsonRich Williamson est un réalisateur torontois qui a été nommé aux Oscars. Son travail est un heureux mélange de fiction et de documentaire qui porte une attention toute particulière aux questions sociales. SCARBOROUGH est son premier long métrage de fiction dirigé avec sa partenaire et co-réalisatrice Shasha Nakhai. Il a été présenté en première mondiale en 2021 au TIFF, où il a remporté le prix Changemaker de la Fondation Shawn Mendes, est arrivé deuxième pour le prix du public et a reçu une mention honorable pour meilleur long métrage canadien.

« Laisser les personnages vivre leurs émotions et leur donner l'espace nécessaire pour le faire. Ces personnages sont irrésistibles et nous voulions passer du temps avec eux. »
Melissa McCoy, ACE
Melissa McCoy, ACE
Monteuse, TED LASSO

Remanier le scénario

L’ère de la diffusion en ligne est là pour rester. Nous avons connu un boom de productions remarquables, mais comment se démarquer dans une telle abondance? Que ce soit en rejetant le cliché de l’antagonisme pour créer la trame narrative de TED LASSO, en se servant de la comédie pour émailler la vie des personnages non-binaires dans SORT OF, en montrant des personnages familiers sous de nouveaux angles dans WANDAVISION ou en dynamisant le drame d’époque à l’aide d’une plus grande diversité dans LA CHRONIQUE DES BRIDGERTON, les séries font maintenant la preuve que l’abandon des anciens codes mène au succès. Joignez-vous aux monteur·euse·s de ces fabuleuses émissions quand elles et ils discuteront de leurs approches innovantes en matière de narration.

D. Gillian Truster, CCEGillian est une monteuse basée à Toronto et qui a touché tant aux séries dramatiques qu’aux longs métrages et aux téléfilms en tous genres. Elle a eu la chance de pouvoir travailler avec plusieurs producteur·trices·, réalisateur·trice·s et scénaristes reconnus et célébré·e·s. Gillian est notamment connue pour son travail sur SANS ORIGINE : ORPHAN BLACK, ANNE WITH AN E et THE EXPANSE. Elle a remporté deux prix Écrans canadiens, un prix de la GCR et elle a reçu douze nominations.

Melissa McCoy, ACEMelissa a eu la piqûre du montage alors qu’elle étudiait à l’université Western Michigan. Elle s’est ensuite rendue en Californie où elle a obtenu une maîtrise en montage au Dodge College of Film & Media Arts de l’université Chapman. En 2007, elle a lancé sa carrière en décrochant un stage très convoité auprès de l’ACE. Melissa a travaillé entre autres sur LIFE SENTENCE pour CW et WHISKEY CAVALIER pour ABC. Son travail sur TED LASSO lui a valu un prix Eddie et une nomination aux Emmy en 2021.

Nona Khodai, ACENona Khodai est une monteuse de cinéma installée en Californie du Sud. Ses plus récents projets sont la série Marvel WANDAVISION et l’émission THE BOYS, pour Amazon. Elle a aussi travaillé sur REVOLUTION, COLONY, THE STRAIN et HISTOIRES FANTASTIQUES. Elle monte actuellement une autre série pour Disney +, à paraître plus tard cette année.

Omar MajeedOmar Majeed est un écrivain, monteur et réalisateur pakistano-canadien. Parmi ses contributions au montage, on compte CHASSEURS DE FRUIT, OMEGA MAN : A WRESTLING LOVE STORY, WORLD IN A CITY, INSIDE LARA ROXX, THE ARTISTS: THE PIONEERS BEHIND THE PIXELS et SORT OF. En 2018, il a reçu un prix Écrans canadiens pour son travail sur THE ARTISTS et en 2001 pour QUEERTELEVISION. Après avoir vécu, entre autres, à Montréal, Baltimore et Lahore, Omar est aujourd’hui installé à Toronto avec sa femme et leur jeune enfant.

Jim Flynn, ACEJim Flynn est un monteur né aux États-Unis. Il a étudié le cinéma au collège Emerson à Boston. Il a ensuite déménagé à Los Angeles où il a d’abord travaillé en tant qu’assistant-monteur. Il est devenu monteur quand il a formé équipe avec Alan Heim pour travailler sur M LE ALPHA de Nick Cassavetes. Il a monté plusieurs autres films de Cassavetes incluant MA VIE POUR LA TIENNE et L’AUTRE FEMME. Plus récemment, Jim a travaillé sur des séries pour Netflix, dont LA DERNIÈRE DEMEURE DES HILL et LA CHRONIQUE DES BRIDGERTON.

Sam ThomsonSam est un monteur de cinéma et d’animation basé à Toronto qui cumule plus de dix ans d’expérience en montage de fiction. Il a travaillé sur SORT OF, sur les séries primées SAVE ME, FOR THE RECORD, CORNER GAS : LA SÉRIE ANIMÉE de même que les épisodes spéciaux animés de BLACK-ISH et de ONE DAY AT A TIME. Sam est un fier membre de la Guilde canadienne des réalisateurs, de l’Académie canadienne du cinéma et de la télévision et des Monteurs et monteuses de cinéma canadien.

Salles de discussion — Jour 1

Breakout_Day1_Rose_HontiverosUn esprit vif, des compétences techniques solides et une bonne connaissance des raccourcis, ce ne sont là que quelques-unes des qualités requises pour exceller en tant qu’assistant·e-monteur·euse. Joignez-vous aux assistantes-monteuses derrière COMPANY TOWN, BIG BROTHER CANADA, SCARBOROUGH et THE PORTER pour poser vos questions, trouver des réponses et passer un bon moment.

Array Crew logoCréé par la cinéaste Ava DuVernay et mené par une équipe de direction entièrement féminine, le site ARRAY Crew est une base de données de professionnel·le·s qui veille à ce que les dirigeant·e·s de studios, les chef·fe·s de département et les producteur·trice·s aient accès à un vaste bassin de personnes qualifiées issues de communautés sous-représentées, tant des femmes que des personnes de couleur, pour composer leurs équipes techniques en télévision et en cinéma. ARRAY Crew est partenaire de tous les grands studios d’Hollywood et de toutes les plateformes de diffusion en ligne et offre depuis peu ses services au Canada. Joignez-vous à Meredith Shea, directrice des relations avec l’industrie, pour une conversation exclusive entre des membres d’équipes de montage et des dirigeant·e·s de studios.

Breakout_Day1_SteeleAdobeRacontez des histoires plus riches et créez une atmosphère spéciale en vous servant de puissants outils d’effets et de correction colorimétrique dans Adobe Premiere Pro. En compagnie de la monteuse, réalisatrice et productrice Christine Steele, explorez des techniques qui donneront à vos vidéos un aspect cinématographique. Découvrez comment le montage vidéo peut bouleverser et accrocher le spectateur.

Au cours de cette séance, vous apprendrez à :

  • Identifier les particularités intéressantes de vos images afin de pouvoir les mettre en valeur;
  • Jouer avec les techniques d’étalonnage, de lumière et de mouvement pour créer une ambiance ou capter l’attention du spectateur;
  • Ajouter une ponctuation visuelle pour guider ou influencer la perception du spectateur.

Breakout_Day1_TarnowskiRejoignez le monteur aguerri du film LES OISEAUX IVRES : il vous parlera de son dernier film, il répondra à vos questions et parlera de tout ce qui touche au montage. La vaste expérience d’Arthur s’étale sur plus de trois décennies et comprend tant du documentaire que de la fiction en tous genres, de la télévision, des courts métrages et des bandes annonces. Ne ratez pas cette occasion d’en apprendre davantage avec un maître de notre art. Cette discussion se fera en anglais mais les questions en français sont bienvenues et encouragées.

Breakout_Day1_WeiszPréparez vos questions et installez-vous confortablement pour assister à une conversation passionnante avec le monteur expert qui nous a donné NIGHT RAIDERS. La passion de Jorge pour le cinéma nourrit son savoir infini et sa solide expertise sur l’art de la mise en récit. Son travail prolifique en longs métrages au cours des onze dernières années a remporté succès après succès dans les festivals internationaux. Cette conversation est un must pour ceux et celles qui s’intéressent au montage de longs métrages de fiction.

Breakout_Day1_Buium_SzembergNe ratez pas ce moment de qualité avec le duo dynamique derrière ALL MY PUNY SORROWS. Michelle et Orlee vont répondre à toutes vos questions à propos de leur collaboration sur ce film primé, leur deuxième projet en tant que co-monteuses. À deux, ces femmes cumulent plus de trente ans d’expérience en postproduction : que ce soit comme assistante-monteuse ou monteuse, elles connaissent tous les rouages de l’industrie. Une conversation à ne pas manquer!

Breakout_Day1_Thomson_MajeedJoignez-vous aux deux monteurs de SORT OF : Omar et Sam répondront à toutes vos questions, requêtes et curiosités! Ces grands esprits partagent une vaste expérience en montage télévisuel, documentaire, d’animation et bien plus encore. Vous pourrez tout savoir lors de cette conversation intime portant sur leur montage d’une série profondément innovante.

Omar Majeed et Sam Thomson ne seront disponible que pour la 1ère séance. Il n'y aura pas de 2e séance.

Breakout_Day1_WilliamsonAppréciez ce moment passé en compagnie du talent incroyable derrière le film à succès SCARBOROUGH, un film que Rich a non seulement monté mais aussi coréalisé. Rich a une profonde compréhension du cinéma documentaire et du court métrage. Son dernier film marque ses débuts en montage de fiction. Plongez, posez vos questions et découvrez le procédé unique qui a mené à l’aboutissement de cet excellent film.


« J'avais besoin de quelqu'un qui me fasse repousser mes propres limites. »
Brina Romanek (Mentee) Mentorship program 2020 CCE
Brina Romanek

Apprendre avec les plus grand·e·s

Les monteur·euse·s de documentaires sont en perpétuel apprentissage. Les outils ainsi que les conceptions de la mise en récit sont en constante évolution. Dans tous les médiums, le mentorat est depuis longtemps au cœur du développement des nouveaux talents, et le genre du documentaire ne fait pas exception. Il peut être difficile pour la nouvelle génération de monteur·euse·s d’avoir accès à la salle de montage pour s’asseoir, regarder, écouter et apprendre l’art intangible du montage. Venez entendre deux apprenti·e·s interviewer leurs mentor·e·s sur la façon dont ils·elles approchent la mise en récit et sur l’importance de passer le flambeau à la génération suivante.

Chris Mutton, CCEChris est un monteur de cinéma et de télévision basé à Toronto. Quatre des films qu’il a montés ont été lancés en grande première au TIFF : EASY LAND, PORCUPINE LAKE, CLEO et SILAS. Le film LUBA a remporté le prix du public au Canadian Film Fest et a permis à Chris de décrocher une nomination aux prix CCE. Pour Hulu, Chris a travaillé sur les quatre saisons de la série HOLLY HOBBIE, nommée aux prix Emmy et récompensée aux prix Écrans canadiens. Il a monté la comédie THE COMMUNIST’S DAUGHTER pour CBC Gem et il a collaboré à la série documentaire musicale ON THE RECORD.

Michèle Hozer, CCEMichèle Hozer travaille comme réalisatrice et comme monteuse depuis 1987 et elle a obtenu deux nominations sur la courte liste des Oscars et de nombreux prix. PROMISE TO THE DEAD lui a valu sa première nomination aux prix Emmy et ses débuts en tant que co-réalisatrice, GENIUS WITHIN : THE INNER LIFE OF GLENN GOULD, a figuré sur la courte liste aux Oscars. En 2015, Michèle a complété LA VÉRITÉ SUR LE SUCRE qui a remporté le prix Donald Brittain aux prix Écrans canadiens. Aujourd’hui, Michèle s’est lancée dans de nouvelles aventures dans le comté de Prince Edward en tant que lectrice-analyste de scénarios sur de nombreux projets, notamment un long métrage documentaire sur Buffy Sainte Marie.

Michèle Hozer, CCE Ricardo travaille dans l’industrie du cinéma depuis plus de 25 ans. Il a remporté un prix Emmy et il a été maintes fois nommé aux prix Génie, Gemini, CCE et Écrans canadiens. Ricardo est arrivé au Canada en 1993 après avoir quitté son Cuba natal où il avait étudié et travaillé au réputé Institut cubain des arts et de l’industrie cinématographiques à La Havane. Son travail remarquable et sa grande sensibilité pour la condition humaine ont contribué au succès de nombreux films qui ont reçu prix et nominations. Il a notamment travaillé sur 15 TO LIFE, MARMATO, LE SILENCE DES AUTRES et HERMAN’S HOUSE.

Brina RomanekBrina Romanek est une réalisatrice et monteuse de films documentaires. Elle a travaillé comme réalisatrice pour True Calling Media, RogersTV et CBC Short Docs. Comme monteuse, Brina a contribué à des films qui ont été diffusés sur Zoomer Media, Crave TV, The Travel Channel, TVO et CBC. Plus récemment, Brina a eu l’honneur de collaborer avec l’équipe de Cream Productions pour créer la série documentaire d’horreur en deux parties, BATHSHEBA. Brina est aussi la monteuse audio attitrée du balado Indigenous Climate Action.

Jordan KawaiJordan Kawai est un monteur de films documentaires basé à Toronto. Il a monté tant des courts métrages (BOAT PEOPLE) que des longs métrages documentaires (STAGE : THE CULINARY INTERNSHIP pour CHANNEL et BANGLA SURF GIRLS) de même qu’une installation vidéo (NOTES FROM THE UNDERGROUND). Jordan détient une maîtrise en Documentary Media Studies de l’université Ryerson et il a participé au programme de mentorat des Rencontres internationales du documentaire de Montréal. Son travail cinématographique personnel explore les traditions familiales et les récits d’internement des Nippo-Canadiens.

« Il existe des biais culturels dont je dois prendre conscience, pour éviter d'arriver comme un bulldozer dans un projet. Je m'assure que tous les enjeux des personnages du film sont clairs, afin qu'ils se révèlent être aussi proches de la réalité et qu'on puisse s'identifier à eux. »
Nathan Orloff
Nathan Orloff

Monter pour le grand écran

Que ça nous plaise ou non, le visage du cinéma change rapidement. Une quantité inouïe de films se trouve à portée de clic et il devient de plus en plus difficile d’attirer le public en salles. Mais les gens se ruent toujours au cinéma pour voir les valeurs sûres que nous connaissons et aimons tous et toutes. Rejoignez-nous en coulisses pour une discussion avec les monteur·euse·s de SHANG-CHI ET LA LÉGENDE DES DIX ANNEAUX, LES ÉTERNELS et SOS FANTÔMES : L’AU-DELÀ. Ils et elles nous parleront de leurs méthodes de travail, nous donneront leurs trucs infaillibles pour gérer leurs grandes équipes et les effets spéciaux, nous plongeant ainsi au cœur même du montage pour le grand écran.

Sarah TaylorSarah Taylor est une monteuse maintes fois primée, cumulant plus de dix-neuf années d’expérience. Elle a monté un large éventail de documentaires, d’émissions de télé et de courts et longs métrages. Sarah s’efforce de donner forme à des histoires uniques portées par des voix peu entendues. Son travail a été vu dans des festivals partout à travers le monde, incluant Sundance. Elle est membre de la Guilde canadienne des réalisateurs (GCR), du conseil d’administration du CCE et elle anime le balado anglophone du CCE, The Editor’s Cut.

Elísabet Ronaldsdóttir, ACEElísabet Ronaldsdóttir est née et a grandi à Reykjavik, en Islande. Elle a monté plus de 40 longs métrages, émissions de télévision et documentaires, de même qu’un long métrage d’animation. Elle est particulièrement reconnue pour ses collaborations avec le réalisateur David Leitch sur JOHN WICK, BLONDE ATOMIQUE, DEADPOOL 2 et le film à paraître BULLET TRAIN. Elle a récemment travaillé avec le réalisateur Destin Daniel Cretton sur le film Marvel SHANG-CHI ET LA LÉGENDE DES DIX ANNEAUX.

Nathan OrloffNathan Orloff est un monteur de cinéma américain, diplômé de l’université Chapman. Orloff a grandi à Seattle et il a débuté sa carrière en travaillant pour JJ Abrams, chez BAD ROBOT Productions. C’est là qu’il a pu participer en tant qu’assistant-monteur à 10 CLOVERFIELD LANE et en tant que superviseur à l'intermédiaire numérique sur STAR WARS : LE RÉVEIL DE LA FORCE. Depuis sa percée, Orloff est devenu un collaborateur régulier du réalisateur Jason Reitman, travaillant étroitement avec lui sur TULLY et CANDIDAT FAVORI. Plus récemment, Orloff a travaillé sur PLAN B et sur SOS Fantômes : L’au-delà.

Harry Yoon, ACEHarry Yoon est un monteur coréen-américain basé à Los Angeles. Yoon a travaillé entre autres sur SHANG-CHI ET LA LÉGENDE DES DIX ANNEAUX, MINARI, EUPHORIA, SALLE DE NOUVELLES, DRUNKTOWN’S FINEST, HALF-LIFE, DETROIT, THE BEST OF ENEMIES et LE DERNIER HOMME NOIR DE SAN FRANCISCO. Yoon a aussi travaillé comme monteur d’effets spéciaux et assistant-monteur sur OPÉRATION AVANT L’AUBE, LE REVENANT, HUNGER GAMES : LE FILM, FOOTLOOSE, LES DÉTRAQUÉS et LES SEIGNEURS DE DOGTOWN.

Dylan Tichenor, ACEDylan Tichenor, ACE, a débuté en montage en tant qu’assistant sur des films de Robert Altman tels que LE MENEUR, CHASSÉS-CROISÉS, PRÊT-À-PORTER, KANSAS CITY, et en tant que co-monteur sur le documentaire JAZZ ‘34. Comme monteur, il a travaillé sur NUITS ENDIABLÉES, MAGNOLIA, IL Y AURA DU SANG, L’INDESTRUCTIBLE, LA FAMILLE TENENBAUM, SOUVENIRS DE BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN, L’ASSASSINAT DE JESSE JAMES PAR LE TRAÎTRE ROBERT FORD, DOUTE, ÇA ROULE, THE TOWN, SANS LOI et OPÉRATION AVANT L’AUBE. Parmi ses plus récents projets, on compte LE FIL CACHÉ, AFFAMÉS et LES ÉTERNELS.

Nat Sanders, ACENat Sanders, ACE, a monté de nombreux films reconnus tels que MOONLIGHT : L’HISTOIRE D’UNE VIE, STATES OF GRACE (SHORT TERM 12) et SI BEALE STREET POUVAIT PARLER. Deux fois il a remporté l’Independent Spirit Award et il a été nommé aux Oscars pour son travail sur MOONLIGHT : L’HISTOIRE D’UNE VIE. SHANG-CHI ET LA LÉGENDE DES DIX ANNEAUX est sa quatrième collaboration avec le scénariste et réalisateur Destin Daniel Cretton, après son travail sur LA VOIE DE LA JUSTICE, LE CH TEAU DE VERRE et STATES OF GRACE (SHORT TERM 12). Nat a aussi travaillé sur MEDICINE FOR MELANCHOLY, MA MEILLEURE AMIE, SA SŒUR ET MOI, HUMPDAY, GIRLS et ENTRE NOUS.

Salles de discussion — Jour 2

Breakout_Day2_WapikoniLes histoires sont puissantes : elles transmettent des enseignements et elles sont les dépositaires de la langue et de la culture d’une communauté. Elles sont aussi le lien entre le passé et le présent, entre le présent et l’avenir. Tania Choueiri et Elie-John Joseph, de Wapikoni, nous parleront de souveraineté narrative et de son importance quand vient le temps de raconter les réalités autochtones.

Veuillez noter que la première séance avec Wapikoni sera présentée en FRANÇAIS seulement. Camera to Cloud (C2C) permet le transfert instantané des images du plateau de tournage à la salle de montage. Il s’agit d’une toute nouvelle façon de travailler qui permet à tous, des monteur·euse·s aux producteur·trice·s en passant par toute autre personne clé, de fournir des rétroactions constructives en temps réel lors de la production. Dans cette démo interactive, vous apprendrez comment C2C permet à la production de transmettre automatiquement les proxies, les rapports caméra et les rapports son, etc., et ce dès que le ou la réalisateur·trice lance son « Coupez ». Le jour où vous commencerez à utiliser C2C, vous vous demanderez comment vous avez pu travailler autrement jusque là.

Breakout_Day2_TichenorJoignez-vous au monteur deux fois nommé aux Oscars et qui est derrière le récent blockbuster de Marvel, LES ÉTERNELS. Avec une carrière qui s’étend sur plus de 25 ans, Dylan a vraiment touché à tout. Parmi les brillants films à son actif, on compte NUITS ENDIABLÉES, LA FAMILLE TENENBAUM, SOUVENIRS DE BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN et OPÉRATION AVANT L’AUBE. Posez-lui vos questions et apportez votre carnet, vous voudrez prendre des notes!

Breakout_Day2_RonaldsdottirPréparez-vous à une période de questions excitante avec l’une des monteuses de référence à Hollywood en matière de film d’action. Son travail de co-montage sur SHANG-CHI ET LA LÉGENDE DES DIX ANNEAUX est le plus récent d’une longue liste incluant JOHN WICK, BLONDE ATOMIQUE et DEADPOOL 2, pour ne nommer que ceux-là! Si vous carburez à l’action, vous ne voudrez pas manquer ça.

Breakout_Day2_YoonSortez vos meilleures questions et ne manquez pas cette séance extraordinaire avec l’un des co-monteurs de SHANG-CHI ET LA LÉGENDE DES DIX ANNEAUX. Le succès fracassant de ce film est dû en partie à la solide expérience qu’Harry a acquise en montant des drames comme DETROIT, EUPHORIA et MINARI, qui a été nommé aux Oscars. Profitez au maximum de tout ce que ce rare talent a à offrir!

Harry Yoon ne sera disponible que pour la 1ère séance. Il n'y aura pas de 2e séance.

Breakout_Day2_Hozer_RomanekAsseyez-vous avec ce duo mentore/mentorée pour tout savoir sur la relation de mentorat. Apprenez-en davantage sur leur façon de travailler et leur co-montage de A CURE FOR THE COMMON CLASSROOM, sur l’importance du mentorat et bien plus.

Breakout_Day2_Acosta_KawaiFaites rouler vos méninges et n’oubliez pas vos questions pour cette paire mentor/mentoré. Ils dévoileront comment leur relation de mentorat a évolué, comment BETRAYAL est né et tout ce qu’il faut savoir sur le mentorat.

Partenaires communautaires de l'EditCon 2022

Billets de tirage des l'EditCon

Félicitations aux gagnant.e.s du tirage !

Merci à nos commanditaires

Adobe EditCon 2021 Sponsor
Black Magic Design Logo Sponsor
Boris FX Logo Sponsor
IATSE 2018 Sponsor Event logo
JAM Post Logo Sponsor

Visitez la page de promotion de nos commanditaires.

Remerciements à nos comités et bénévoles :

Comité des l'EditCon CCE

Rick Bartram

Xi Feng

Stephen Philipson, CCE

Comité des communications du CCE :

Pauline Decroix

Jennifer Kidson

Jane MacRae

Stephen Philipson, CCE

Sarah Taylor

Bénévoles :

Kathryn Dickson

Jonathan Dowler

Jason Konoza

Isabelle Malenfant, CCE

Greg Ng

Janet Savill

Adam van Boxmeer

Merci à toute l’équipe du CCE :

Responsable des opérations du CCE :

Alison Dowler

Spécialiste des communications du CCE :

Andreia Furtado

À propos de l’EditCon

le 5-6 mars, 2022

en ligne

The Editors Cut

Episode 001: Documentary Confidential

Episode 001: Documentary Confidential

Episode 001: Documentary Confidential

This episode is part one of a four-part series covering EditCon and features multi award winning documentary editors Mike Munn, CCE, Michéle Hozer, CCE and Nick Hector, CCE as they discuss their work with moderator Jay Prychidny, CCE.

The Editors Cut Episode 001 - documentary confidential - edticon panel

This episode features award winning drama editors Daria Ellerman, CCE, Lara Mazur, CCE and Nicole Ratcliffe, CCE as they discuss with moderator Karen Lam some of the impactful projects, they have worked on in their editing careers. 

Mike Munn, CCE

Mike shares his experiences working with Sarah Polley on Stories We Tell, which investigates her family secrets.

Michéle Hozer, CCE

Michéle talks about the challenges of being both the director and editor of Sponsorland, her film about Syrian refugees in Canada.

Nick Hector, CCE

Nick explains how he honoured the vision of Sharkwater Extinction, after the tragic death of director Rob Stewart.

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Abonnez-vous là où vous écoutez vos balados

Que voulez-vous entendre sur L'art du montage?

Veuillez nous envoyer un courriel en mentionnant les sujets que vous aimeriez que nous abordions, ou les monteurs.euses dont vous aimeriez entendre parler, à :


Un grand Merci à

Bryan Atkinson

the EditCon panelists

EditCon Series Produced by

Roslyn Kalloo

Animé par

Sarah Taylor

Design sonore du générique d'ouverture

Jane Tattersall

Preneur de son

Craig Scorgie

ADR Recording by

Andrea Rusch

Mixed by

James Bastable

Featuring Music by

Yung Koolade, Album House and Madrid

Sponsor Narration by

Paul Winestock

Photos by

Dino Harambasic

Commandité par

the DGC

The Editors Cut

Episode 014: Films Making a Difference Cutting Content with an Important Social Message

Episode 014: Films Making a Difference Cutting Content with an Important Social Message

Episode 014: Films Making a Difference - Cutting Content with an Important Social Message

This is part one of our four-part series covering EditCon 2019.

The EditCon 2019 series was generously sponsored by Deluxe

Episode 014: Films Making a Difference Cutting Content with an Important Social Message

Unarmed Verses et Sgaawaay K’uuna (Edge of the Knife) are films that have intertwined themes of social justice into compelling stories, bringing important social messages to the screen in their respective genres of narrative and documentary film.

Meet editor Andres Landau and producer Lea Marin of Unarmed Verses and editor Sarah Hedar and director Helen Haig-Brown of Sgaawaay K’uuna (Edge of the Knife). The duos behind both of these films discuss the process of collaboration, sensitivity approaching the subject matter, and what each role contributes to the crafting of a powerful narrative. This panel was moderated by Michèle Hozer, CCE. Unarmed Verses (Trailer) from NFB/marketing on Vimeo.

Unarmed Verses

Sgaawaay K'uuna (Edge of the Knife)

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Abonnez-vous là où vous écoutez vos balados

Que voulez-vous entendre sur L'art du montage?

Veuillez nous envoyer un courriel en mentionnant les sujets que vous aimeriez que nous abordions, ou les monteurs.euses dont vous aimeriez entendre parler, à :


Un grand Merci à

Maureen Grant

the EditCon Committee

Alison Dowler

Jane MacRea

Boris FX

Hosted and Produced by

Sarah Taylor

EditCon 2019 Panels Recorded by

Jason Kanoza

Design sonore du générique d'ouverture

Jane Tattersall

ADR Recording by

Andrea Rusch

Mixé et masterisé par

Tony Bao

Musique originale par

Chad Blain

Sponsor Narration by

Paul Winestock

Commandité par


The Editors Cut

Episode 027: Hope in the Time of Corona

Episode 027: Hope in the Time of Corona

Episode 027: Hope in the Time of Corona

We have been thinking about our fellow editors from around the world in this unique time.

Episode 027: Hope in the Time of Corona

In this episode we hear from our past guests and editors down south from ACE about how life is for them. We hope these messages bring you hope in these uncertain times.

Thank you to the editors who contributed to this episode:

Cathy Gulkin, CCE,

Kevin Tent, ACE,

Nicole Ratcliffe, CCE,

Justin Lachance, CCE,

Liza Cardinale, ACE,

Paul Day, CCE

Mike Munn, CCE,

Daria Ellerman, CCE,

Zack Arnold, ACE,

Stephen Philipson, CCE,

Jesse Averna, ACE,

Jonathan Dowler,

 Krystal Moss

Lesley MacKay Hunter,

Paul Hunter,

Stephen Rivkin, ACE,

Pauline Decroix,

Scott Parker,

Michèle Hozer, CCE,

Jane MacRae,

Ron Sanders, CCE,

Jillian Moul, ACE, D.

Gillian Truster, CCE,

Paul Winestock, CCE,

Sarah Hedar,

À écouter ici !

The Editor?s Cut – Episode 027 – ?Hope in the Time of Corona?



Hi, and welcome to The Editor’s Cut. I’ve been thinking about my fellow editors around the world in this unique time. Some still have work where others have been at a standstill for a couple months. I wanted to hear how everyone is doing and what’s helping them get through. So I reached out to our past guests and editors down south from ACE to share how life is for them. For myself work has slowed right down, but life in Edmonton Alberta is still busy. My four year old daughter is home with me. She’s here right now.

Young Voice:


Sarah Taylor:

And my husband and I are both working from home. I have two dogs and two cats and five fish. Mondays now consist of pretending with my daughter–


Young Voice:

Let’s play!

Sarah Taylor:

–extra long dog walks and lots of baking. I’ve also been attending the many Zoom events the CCE and other organizations are hosting. In some ways I feel more connected with friends and family, as we’ve been taking the time to call each other and check in. The app, Marco Polo has been a savior as it feels like I’m talking with friends all day long. There are definitely low days and days where I have all the energy in the world but I just ride the wave. I know we will be okay. And for now I will settle into this new world.


Young Voice:

Let?s go for a walk.

Sarah Taylor:

I hope these messages bring you hope in these uncertain times. 


Cathy Gulkin:

Hi fellow editors, Cathy Gulkin here in Toronto. The centre of the universe is awfully quiet these days. But as a homebody, I don’t mind all that much. I think many of us editors are pretty happy living quiet lives. We’re the ones who prefer to work by ourselves in our own spaces whenever given the choice. So it’s kind of nice that there’s no other option now.


The director can’t come in and sit over our shoulders and frame fuck. I for one, find that liberating. I continue to do all of the things I’ve always done to protect my physical and mental health while working in the edit suite. Take lots of breaks and go for brisk walks. Now wearing a mask and social distancing. But since the streets are mostly deserted, it’s not that difficult. I’m also counseling the director I’m currently working with about how I think we can complete the project using tools like Zoom and Skype, to do pickup interviews, because this doc was supposed to follow three young people during their last year of high school, and our Act Four–graduation–has pretty much been canceled. Finding a new act four is a challenge. What I’ve said to the director is, if he can’t fix it, feature it. We’re living in an historic moment. And so are the subjects in our documentary. I think that capturing their current experience through online interviews in their own vlogs is going to make a very interesting film. I know things are much harder for editors working on fiction, where all production has stopped, and for those who are waiting to begin projects that would have been shooting this spring. My current gig ends in June, and if Cruz can’t go out this spring and summer, I won’t be working either come September when I’ll be eager to get back into the edit suite. But I’ve been through the boom and bust cycle in our industry before, and there were no government income programs to help us out then. I just saw my savings dwindle, went into some debt, and then things recovered and so did my financial situation.


This too, shall pass. Stay strong and safe colleagues.

Kevin Tent:

Hello, friends and fellow editors, north of the border. It’s Kevin Tent reporting from down here in Los Angeles. I hope you are all healthy and well. You may be familiar with me and some of my early work on classics such as, Salt: The Hidden Threat, Cholesterol: What Can You Do? And one of my personal favorites, Teenagers: How to Get and Keep a Job. It’s such a mind blowing and difficult time for all we humans right now. And the film business has taken a huge hit, especially on the production side, which of course affects us on the post side.


Yet as grim as it sometimes seems. I am optimistic that once it’s deemed safe, there will be a big demand for content and productions will be back up. It might not be overnight, but I have faith in the ingenuity, the versatility and the creativity of the people in our business. They’re amazing. So things will get better. It might take a while, but they will. 


In the meantime I am extremely grateful that my family and I are safe and healthy. I’ve been proud of the people of Los Angeles and California. For the most part, they have taken the situation seriously and are following safety protocols. And although our numbers are climbing, they seem relatively manageable and not as bad as they could have been for a state of our size and population. Personally, what’s helped me a lot in dealing with the pandemic has been exercising regularly, and meditating. About four years ago, you may remember we had an election down here, and the day after I realized I had to do something to deal with how I was feeling.


So I bought an app called Headspace and started, and it’s been a godsend. I moved down to different forms of meditation, tried different things and different apps, but I highly recommend some sort of mindfulness practice. All editors could use it pandemic or not. So make sure you get out and exercise if you can, treat yourself well physically and mentally. And when things get tough, cut yourself some slack. You will, and we will get through this. Wishing you all the best from south of the border. Stay safe, stay strong, stay sane and hug your loved ones. Your friend and colleague Kevin Tent.

Nicole Ratcliffe:

Hey everyone, Nicole Ratcliffe from Vancouver here. I hope you’re all doing well and staying safe. Like many of you, I lost my job around mid March when all of this happened, and it seemed like the entire industry around the world shut down. So now that I’m home, I have all this time. Time to get things done that have been on my to do list for what seems like years. And also, to finally catch up on all those TV shows and movies that I keep telling everyone I’m going to watch.


A few other things I’ve been doing is I’ve taken up knitting in the last year. And I’m really enjoying that. I finally have gotten over the stress of it, and now I’m enjoying it. I’m working on a big knitting project right now. My biggest project so far, it’s a large six color shawl. I’ll send you all pictures when it’s done. I’ve been reading a lot, getting through quite a few books, enjoying that. And luckily the weather has been quite nice here in Vancouver over the last couple months.

So, I?ve been spending a lot of time outside in the yard, getting it cleaned up from the winter and getting my greenhouse ready to start planting what will be my own food, really looking forward to that. I’ve been keeping in touch with my film family here in Vancouver, and some people in Los Angeles online via either Zoom or Houseparty. And it’s been really great just to keep in touch with people, see what they’re doing to keep busy and just talk about what’s going on right now and how people are feeling about it.


I find that everyone is being incredibly supportive, but having fun online with those people as well has been really, really great. I recommend Houseparty, if you haven’t tried it. Anyway, as I said, I hope you’re all doing well. I’m thinking of you all. And I hope that we all get back to work sooner rather than later, but in the safest way possible. Take good care.

Justin Lachance:

What’s up guys. This is Justin Lachance and this is my impression of every Tech/gaming podcast intro on the planet. [beep] Oh no. Okay. All right. [beep] At the beginning of this pandemic, there was a meme going around that editors would send each other. I’m sure you all saw it. It spread faster than COVID. If somehow you haven’t seen it. It had two pictures of an editor at his computer. And under the first picture, there was a caption that said, ?A video editor.? The caption under the second picture said, ?A video editor in quarantine.? Both pictures were identical. I admit, I thought it was funny because at the time I was about to start working on a small series with an insane turnaround schedule. I thought, yeah, that’s totally it. I’ll be working from home and we’ll be able to get it done before things get really bad. This was on March 11th. As the news became darker and darker by the hour, I realized this was going to change a lot of things about our industry.


The production was put on hold as the country closed up shop. I found out that because Quebec Spring Break happened just before shutdown, some people on the set of my series had contracted the virus while on vacation and spread it to a lot of the cast and crew without knowing. I thought about the meme and was like, well, I guess being a post-production loner is a good thing now? I don’t know. Days went by and I talked to the Post Super, the director, my agent, the producers of future projects. And we all didn’t know what to say to each other. We’d say, we’ll give it a couple of weeks and see what’s up; in the meantime, take care of yourself. Weeks went by. I started doing things around the house. I painted my fence, planted my seedlings. I tried to take my mind off the fact that there was a global pandemic happening out there. And on top of that, I wasn’t editing. A month went by, two. Today is May 11th. And there’s talk of some production starting back up in July, but that’s a big maybe.


I got to admit, it’s pretty brutal–to have a full year of exciting projects blow up like that is rough. But then I think about that meme. I look at it from a completely different angle now. Before I’d see the brutally honest hilarity of our job, I’d be like, “Yeah, I willingly spent my days alone in a room while being lost in a very specific train of thought sometimes to the point of madness.” It was funny, but like so true.


Now I look at that meme and see the hundreds of people behind the editor that aren’t pictured. The conversations with the directors, the producers, the other editors I’ve worked with. All the fun we’ve had, the hilarious sleep-deprived laugh-a-thons, the creative eurekas. And I mean, I’m not kidding myself, there were some pretty frustrating times too. But it takes a literal army to make a film or show. And the hard part about this current moment in time is that we are more alone now than when we’re in our edit suites. But, one good thing about right now is that these people are free to talk cause, well, what else are they going to do besides making banana bread?


I’ve been able to have Skype virtual beers with old colleagues, call friends, text with people I haven’t talked to in ages because we now have time. I’m learning more about the people I work with because we’re talking about our lives, telling our stories about how we’re dealing with this stuff. It’s kind of awesome. It’s definitely not perfect, but I’m appreciating this time to rekindle the human side of this industry. And I got to say groups like the CCE and Les Treize are helping make that happen. Also, I’m re-watching Community on Netflix and hopefully laughing myself to July. Until then, take care.

Liza Cardinale:

Hello. This is Liza Cardinale ACE, reporting from Los Angeles, California, where the birds are chirping, the sun is shining and the cameras are not rolling. I wrapped up the second season of Dead to Me, the day our Safer At Home home orders began. We had to cancel our farewell Margaritas at Don Cuco?s in Burbank because sharing chips and salsa is on hold down here along with most social interactions. 


I miss my friends. I miss getting on airplanes and I miss dropping my four year old daughter Izzy off at school. Her education and exercise needs are far better met by trained professionals. I fear I fall short as her substitute preschool teacher, but mostly we have fun. Izzy is thrilled to have me home giving her heaps of attention. I feel like I’m making up for lost time stuck in edit bays. We craft with glitter, act out stories with her dolls and do fizzling science experiments.


Before the pandemic, I had no idea how much entertainment you could get from a bag of baking soda. But my slow simple life will soon come to an end. I’ve been hired to cut a show called Social Distance that will comment on our current situation while shooting under extreme restrictions. I’m sad to leave Izzy?s playroom, but we’ll strive to bring her joy of spontaneous, messy, sparkly creation into my own.

Daria Ellerman:

Hi, I’m Daria Ellerman and I’m a picture editor from British Columbia. Like lots of you, the idea of working hard and then stopping is not unusual. On March 13th, I was at the end of a much needed break with a project booked for the end of March. And within a week we received an email shelving the project indefinitely. By that time I’d already realized the implications of the pandemic on the film industry. And I thought it might be possible I wouldn’t work again this year.


I think having been a freelancer, my entire career has been a huge help. I’ve weathered three economic slowdowns, changes of technology and delivery systems and the cancellation of really great shows we’d all hoped would run for eight seasons. I’m doing as I’ve always done between projects, get more exercise, do those forgotten things around the house, renew friendships and binge watch shows or watch movies I missed seeing.


Granted it is different now, coffee and lunch dates are out the window and email FaceTime and Zoom calls are the way we’re keeping in touch. Staring out the window and drinking coffee is an acceptable way to spend half an hour during pandemic. I text with some editor pals about how much we’re eating. I talked to girlfriends about being with your partner 24/7. About a month into my isolation, I started fretting about work.


What I did was reach out to my agent and to post producers that I’m close with. All of them got back to me quickly, and they were glad to talk about life in isolation and then work. Let’s face it, we really need to talk to work colleagues about work, to really talk about the inside baseball of it. My agent talked about the demand that will be there once production can begin. My post producers talked about how easily we in post could create environments that were safe and how we could even work from home if we had to. These conversations made me feel positive about the future. One thing that I’ve really enjoyed are doing webinars. I love seeing my colleagues talk about what they do and it makes me feel part of a community.  Editing, directing, and a class in modern art have inspired and transported me. Many editors are introverts by nature. We don’t mind being on our own, and we’re able to easily get lost in our work. In the absence of work, we need to find projects to channel our decision making skills into.


So, while sorting my son’s childhood Lego collection and listening to Anna Maria Tremonti interview Catherine O’Hara isn’t editing, it does appeal to my visual organization side while making me feel part of a community. Hang in there. We will all be back in a little dark room soon.

Zack Arnold:

Hello, fellow editors and post-production professionals in Canada and all around the world. Zach Arnold here, editor of Cobra Kai, as well as the creator of The Optimize Yourself Program and Podcast. No different than you, my world has also been turned upside down over the last couple of months, and I’m stuck at home with nowhere to go. As a self proclaimed extreme introvert, I have been practicing social distancing pretty much as an Olympic sport since about 2005.


So to be honest, things haven’t really changed for me that much. But in other ways, everything has changed. My family is home all the time, and both my wife and I have become homeschoolers, which definitely makes it harder to do that deep creative work that I love to do so much. And without any editing projects to look forward to in the near future, there is of course, fear of the unknown. What’s coming next? Is there going to be work again?


But if there’s one lesson that I hope to take away from this experience, a lesson that all of us can take from this experience, it’s that realizing there is very little that all of us actually have control over in the world and the best place that we can focus our attention, is on the things that we can control, like how we spend our time, what we can do to prepare for when there are jobs for us again. And most importantly, the kind of people that we want to be at home with our families and our loved ones.


Know that whatever you’re going through right now, you are not alone. Even if you live alone, and you haven’t seen another person for two months, you are not alone. There are literally billions of people experiencing the same anxiety, stress, and uncertainty as you. And we are all going to get through this together. Take care of yourself, forgive yourself for the days that you would much rather watch TV than get something done, and do your best to stay connected to the most important people that are in your life, even if that happens to be through video chat. Stay safe, healthy, and sane, and be well.

Steve Philipson:

Hey everyone, Steve Philipson here from Toronto, Canada. I hope you’re all safe and finding ways of staying healthy and happy. It’s mid May here in Toronto, and we’re still on partial lockdown. While some restrictions are starting to ease, it looks like the film industry will be mostly shut down for a while. Like many of you out there, I’m anxious to get back to work both for financial and spiritual reasons. But since there’s not a whole lot I can do about it, I’m trying to use this time as a sabbatical or a chance to refresh and recharge.


I started working on some writing projects. I’m working with the Canadian Cinema Editors Association, to help get some online events going. I’m getting in shape, spending lots of time with the family, and like everyone I’m baking tons of bread. Anyways. I’m really trying to see this time as a gift. And I hope you can too. Now I know it?s hard not to worry about the future, but I can’t help thinking things are going to work out.


I mean, the fact is people need stories more than ever. And since we’re storytellers, I’m really hoping it’s only a matter of time before we’re back in the editing room or a suitably equipped home office. In the meantime, I hope you can find ways of staying strong and using this little sabbatical as a chance to challenge yourself as best you can. Learn a new skill or tackle a project you’ve been meaning to do, but don’t forget.


We may not know when or how the industry will recover, but we do know that the world needs stories desperately and it needs people like us to help tell them well. So sit tight, stay safe, and I look forward to seeing your work soon in whatever form it takes.

Jesse Averna:

Hello, fellow editors. My name is Jesse Averna. I’m from down south in LA. First off, I want to say, sorry for what you’re going through. This sucks. You deserve better. I think it’s good to admit that. This isn’t some opportunity you’ve bumped into. It’s a crisis. So first and foremost, I hope you are surviving it with your loved ones. Unfortunately, we don’t get to choose the time that we’re in, but here’s the good news: we will survive.


I know this is likely the worst patch you’ve been through in maybe your whole life, but humans have been through worse and made it through. You’re here today because someone in your family is a survivor and you will be too. Something that helps me right now: when I can, I make sure to go outside at night and look up at the stars. Since LA skies are so clear at the moment, we have a decent view. I try to think about my place in the universe and in the history of time.


There’s something comforting to me about being reminded how small all of this really is. How brief it is on a cosmic scale, a blink on a piece of dust. I’m in no way trying to trivialize this situation. It’s absolutely awful. But it does help me to zoom out as far as I can sometimes. Anyways, please know that you were loved. And that you?re thought about, even if people don’t reach out as much as they should. Everyone’s wrestling with this in their own way.


I hope too, that you’ve cracked the working from home routine. I’m not there quite yet. And please keep going, keep surviving, look for the positive and the helpers. I’m honored to talk to you all. And I hope that we do get to meet in person when all this is over. Bye.

Jonathan Dowler

Hey everyone. My name is Jonathan L, and I’m an editor in Toronto. I just wanted to say, I hope you’re hanging in there. I hope we’re staying safe. I hope you’re staying healthy, these days can get hard. I’ve gotten better at homeschooling my three kids, and I started off the lockdown and I’m failing grade one math. So, I hope you’re doing better than me, if you have young children. 


When Ontario shut down, I lost work. So, if you are like me without work, hang in there. The sunnier days on the horizon, I hope you’ve gotten some sort of creative projects that you’re working on. There’s some great resources out there online for anything you want to learn. There’s also a good thing to be said about learning a new craft. I’ve taken the time to try editing with Premiere Pro. I’ve taken the time to try and get into DaVinci grading software, the software’s free, and you can actually learn the fundamentals about it, which is always good.


But for those of you who just want to chill out, one thing that I’ve learned about all of this, is that we’re all running our own race and we’re all dealing with this in different ways. So, if being super productive and super organized and having a plan and tackling it every day is a way that you can deal with this time. Then that’s great. But if you just need to crash on the couch, watch some TV, watch movies or play video games. Then that is totally cool too.


In times like these, I try and draw inspiration from the place I’ve always found inspiration and that’s the movies. I’ll play the clip, it is something that has always inspired me. And it’s from Lord of the Rings. Frodo basically says, ?I wish the ring had never come to me. I wish none of this had happened.? Which I think we can all sympathize with. Let’s just say the ring is COVID-19.


[film clip audio]


I wish the ring had never come to me. I wish none of this had happened.


So do all who live to see such times, but that is not for them to decide. All you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you.

[wnd film clip audio]


So, I choose to use that and try and be positive about it. Stay safe, stay healthy, keep cutting, be creative. And I’ll see you on the other side of this.

Leslie MacKay Hunter:

Hi there, it’s Leslie MacKay Hunter.

Paul Hunter:

And Paul Hunter.

Leslie MacKay Hunter:

We’re asked to speak about what it’s like editing with the whole COVID-19 situation going on. We’re fortunate in the fact that animation is one of the areas that has continued going on.

Paul Hunter:

Probably if anything is also expanding and picking up speed.

Leslie MacKay Hunter:

I happened to be in the middle of a contract when this whole thing went down and I have to say a huge shout out to the IT team, to not only figure out how 400 people were going to work from home, but short of ripping the TV down off the wall, literally sent every element of my studio to me. So, I have a full suite that I’m used to in the studio is all at home and I’m working from home. Thankfully, I’ve been working with this director for several months now and he and I have kind of got an idea of what we’re going for.

Paul Hunter:

So, I was in a unique position that I was between gigs when the whole lockdown happened. So, I had decided that I probably would not be able to find any work. All of a sudden I get a call and it looks like I now will be having a gig as well, because there’s a need for new content. And animation is the only part that can create anything new right now. So, I’m going to be in a unique situation where I’m going to be working with a director that I have never worked with before at a studio that I’ve never worked with before. And I’m going to have to figure out how to communicate and build a relationship while starting this project remotely.

Leslie MacKay Hunter:

From a personal level, we’re both very thankful to have a fairly young puppy who has joined our family within the last few months. So she of course requires quite a bit of attention. So, we are getting out for walks with her. We’re trying to make sure we get some physical activity exercise in on a daily basis.

Paul Hunter:

Also working for a home. There is some pros.

Leslie MacKay Hunter:

For instance, when I’m having a really busy day, I am very fortunate in the fact my lunch is usually delivered to me.

Paul Hunter:

Con, if you’re the second editor of the couple who gets a gig after the first one has taken over the nice office, you get delegated to setting up your suite in the basement laundry room.

Leslie MacKay Hunter:


Paul Hunter:

Pro, we have a four legged stress reliever who likes to sometimes poke her head in and try her paw at editing.

Leslie MacKay Hunter:

Con is she’s the hit of our studio. And nobody wants to talk to me on Zoom anymore. Pro you are able to relax the dress code even more so than normal.

Paul Hunter:

Con. I still can’t have boxer Tuesdays.

Leslie MacKay Hunter:

We recognize how fortunate we are and we’re staying safe. And I encourage all of you to do what you need to, to just keep your head on straight during this time. Because it’s a weird time. It just really is. So take the time, do what you need to, have a giggle every so often and stay safe.

Paul Hunter:

Take care guys.

Leslie MacKay Hunter:

We’ll see you soon.

Paul Hunter:


Leslie MacKay Hunter:


Steve Rivkin:

My name is Steve Rivkin and I’m in Los Angeles working on the Avatar Sequels. At a time when the majority of our industry is out of work. Our editorial team is very fortunate to still have a job. In March, our production crew was scheduled to head to New Zealand for the next leg of our live action shooting schedule on the films. A contingent of our editorial department was scheduled to go, myself included, when the national emergency was declared in the US.


The trip was postponed and we went into lockdown like everyone else. The Avatar projects are unique in the sense that a huge percentage of the films are virtual production based on the performance capture of our actors, which wrapped some time ago. We have the ability to play back those captured performances and create shots for the films without the actors present on the stage. Now their virtual characters will be driven by the actors? captured performances.


Currently, during the lockdown, we are unable to access the virtual stages at Manhattan beach studios to create those camera shots. But fortunately, we have a backlog of scenes to continue to work on remotely from home, and shots and coverage are still being created through alternative methods. Our entire crew of editors and assistants have been equipped with specially-formatted laptops, monitors, and an encrypted password protected path for us to access from home, the Avids and media that are secured in the cutting rooms at the studio.


We are conducting online meetings reviews with editors, assistants, VFX effects supervisors and digital artists. All working from home. The pandemic has forced us to test workflows that I believe will have a lasting impact on our industry and the future of how we work. I think when we get on the other side of this worldwide crisis, a lot of what we’re doing may stick and more and more editors will be working from home in the future. In the meantime, stay well, hopefully we will all be able to safely get back to work soon.

Pauline Decroix

Hi, my name is Pauline Decroix. Salut, mon nom c?est Pauline Decroix, I’m going to share with you what kind of change I faced during this quarantine time. Je vais vous parler un petit peu qu’est-ce qui a changé pour moi dans cette période de quarantaine. Pour moi, de n’ai plus une station de montage à la maison, mais deux. Pourquoi, parce que ma station de montage est sur Mac, et je travaillais sur une série de télé qui était sur PC, alors la production m’a gentiment ramené l’ordinateur de production à la maison. Donc maintenant je travaille sur deux stations différents à la maison. So, what has changed is that I have not only one editing station at home, but two now. My regular one is a Mac and the second one is a PC. I was working before all of that happened on a TV series that was working on a PC platform. So now I’m working on a PC platform from home, thanks to the production company who bought the production computer at home.


What is exciting for me during this special period, I’m fortunate enough to be part of two other projects. Two short docs, working on those, I find myself that I take more time than usual to work on them. And the time allowed me to be more creative, to find more ways to improve my cuts. So, I think I’m going to remember that in the future when we are forced to meet our deadlines. Just to remember that when we give time to creativity, it’s a win-win for the project and for ourselves. Donc, ce que je trouve qui est géniale en ce moment c’est que je prends plus de temps pour travailler sur mes projets. Pas sur la série de télé sur laquelle je travaille à ce moment, mais sur les deux autres courts métrages documentaires sur lesquelles j’ai la chance de travailler. En faite, je prends plus le temps de la réflection. Et du coup ça m’aide à être plus créative et je crois en faite j’essayerais de faire repenser mes productrices, producteurs, réalisatrices, réalisateurs que c’est important de donner du temps à la créativité parce que le projet au finale, sera que plus gagnant. Voilà ça c’est ma petite contribution aujourd’hui. Stay strong colleagues, restez forts collègues.  Stay healthy, restons en santé. And we are going to go through that together – et on va passer à travers tout ceci, tous ensemble. So, see you on the other side. On se revoit de l?autre côté. See you on the other side. Bye. À bientôt. Take care.

Scott Parker:

Hi there, my name’s Scott Parker and I’m a documentary editor in Edmonton, Alberta. I usually work out of producers? studios and sometimes I rent my own temporary space if I’ve got a lot of different jobs on the go. The rest of the time I work from home. I was pretty lucky that I had a plan to move out of my temporary office on March 15th. Just about the time the COVID shutdown happened. So, now I’m working out of my little basement suite where I also live.


One of my biggest and most rewarding projects has been postponed for a while. I don’t think it will get canceled outright, but if it does, things are going to get pretty tricky. I’ve been spending my time learning new things on Udemy and I’ve taken some social media courses with Hootsuite. I do more and more social media work now. So, learning new skills is good. That’s always good. Even though I’m pretty solitary by nature, being solitary all the time is getting tiring.


I can feel it sort of wearing me down, and I feel stuck. And right now I feel like this is going to be going on forever. But I am lucky because my friends and family are doing fine and I don’t know anybody who’s been sick with COVID. It’s never been easy for us freelancers to make a living in this business. And the whole COVID shutdown has made it that much harder. But it’s going to be over and we’re going to get back to it.


So let’s try and stay sharp and look after each other. And when it’s time we’ll get back at it. We’ll make commercials and music videos and documentary films, and will curse system crashes and client changes and ridiculous deadlines and I look forward to all of that and I wish you all the best of luck.

Jane MacRae:

Hello Sarah and people of the editor’s cut who are listening to this podcast. I think it’s great that you’re taking the time to hear from everybody, so I’ll just keep it brief for myself. This is Jane MacRae. I am a film and television editor living and working in Toronto, Canada. For the last eight weeks or so–however long it’s been, I’ve completely lost track–I’ve been self isolating at home with my husband, a middle school teacher who’s been doing classes from home, and my dog who is mostly incredibly thrilled to have us around so much.


As a freelancer, I am pretty used to uncertainty in my life. I’ve had many periods of time where I’ve not worked for many weeks at a time, sometimes willingly, often unwillingly. So for me, taking this time has not been, I think as stressful as it has been for people in other industries. I am also fortunate that no one around me has been affected directly by the virus. Members of my family who were working are still working and people are healthy, so that’s great.


Here in Toronto, most of the editors that I know I think are not working. So, I feel very fortunate that I actually have been working quite a bit during this period. I had a job at the beginning of the quarantine on a show that had been shot already, so I edited that for a while. Then I had some time off and I’ve just recently started on a new show that’s being produced by a Canadian production company that’s being shot entirely with actors in their homes in lockdown.


I’ve only worked on it for a few days so far, but we have some really, really great cast members, young people who are filming using cell phones at their homes and interacting via Zoom and being directed via Zoom by the director and showrunner. So, I’m pretty excited about the show. I think it should be pretty fun when it all comes together and it’s definitely something that is going to feel unique and very particularly of this time, which I think is important, to kind of remember how we all felt and what we were all going through during this period.


My big hope obviously is that things will ease up, that we’ll be able to start going out seeing our friends and family and also that the industry here in Toronto and in Canada and around the world will get up and operating again. Here we’re very, very reliant on a lot of service productions coming in from the United States and it’s going to be really challenging to see what’s going to happen in the future if travel restrictions continue and just generally if people are feeling nervous about traveling and they might not want to come up here to shoot films or television shows.


So I’m not really sure what’s going to happen, and I just have to take it day by day and keep my fingers crossed that we’re going to be okay.  In the meantime, I’ve also been working with the rest of the board of the Canadian Cinema Editors to try and connect people during this time when everyone’s stuck at home. The board has been amazing and worked so hard to put together a lot of online events, creating virtual socials, online masterclasses and talks. We even did a couple of Netflix parties just trying to find ways to get our post-production community to connect and talk with each other and not feel so alone.


I’m really, really proud of all the work that all of our board members, who are all volunteer, are doing during this time. And Sarah, I want to thank you particularly for your work on the Editor’s Cut and taking the time to bring in all these messages from around the world. I hope that everyone is healthy, that everyone remains hopeful and that we can all go back to the business of being creative and being excited about what we’re making as soon as possible. Good luck to everyone and wishing you the best. Thanks.

Ron Sanders:

Hi, this is Ron Sanders from Toronto and I’m in quarantine like everyone else. So, I’m staying home and trying to keep myself amused and a bit sane. FaceTime and Zoom are helping us to keep in touch with family and friends, but after that it’s a long day. I read and listen to music. I play guitar some. I grew a beard and I shaved part of my head. What makes my day more specific is the time I spend playing with my computer.


I have Avid media composer, DaVinci Resolve and Final Cut Pro 10. But I don’t have as much picture media. Few things I have managed to discover though: Media Composer?s new interface accomplishes very little. DaVinci Resolve I just don’t like and Final Cut Pro is pretty much useless for me. Big fail. I also have Garage band and Logic Pro, and a large library of samples and loops. I?m getting into funk drumming. 2020 will be the year of COVID-19, social distancing, and political tap dancing by our various leaders. It will also be the year of all of us doing the best we could. Stay home. Stay well.

Jillian Moul:

Hello, this is Jillian Moul. I’m a documentary editor and ACE member in Los Angeles, California. I’ve been working from home since late last year, so my routine has been much the same since our shelter in place. One difference is that my director, producers, and I collaborate on Zoom meetings. And even though I’m a bit of an introvert, and love to work alone with the footage and the story, when we do collaborate, I prefer to do that in person, which of course isn’t happening right now.


I find virtual meetings to be limiting and strangely exhausting. I?ve rarely gone out since early March. Safety has been a priority, especially since I have asthma, but as cautious as I’ve been, I woke up one day with symptoms that seemed like COVID-19. I got tested two days later and the results came back four days later. Negative. I was relieved, but our tests aren’t very accurate. There are many reports about false negative or false positive results. My symptoms would get better for a couple of days. Then get worse and better back and forth until five weeks later and they’re all but gone. I’ll get an antibody test, but I’ll wait for the Roche test since that one is highly accurate. There are still a lot of questions. What we do know is that our world has changed. Lucky for us in post that technology is such that we can work from home. I hope that you’ll be well and employed in the months ahead. I look forward to the time when my colleagues and I can once again share our stories in person.

Gillian Truster:

Hi everyone. My name is Gillian Truster, and I’m an editor from Toronto. I was working just outside of Vancouver on a TV series when our production shut down because of the virus. I’d only arrived there on March 1st, and was really looking forward to exploring the city since I’d never been to Vancouver before. But within days of my arrival, the news surrounding COVID-19 became progressively more serious. When I told the woman who ran my Airbnb that I was flying home, she said she was so relieved. Knowing I was alone in the city, she had been about to message me to let me know she’d take care of me if I got sick. It’s one of the kindest, most generous things anyone has ever said to me. Since I’ve been back home. I think of this often. It’s a good reminder that while crises can bring out the worst in people, they can also bring out the best. I find myself having a greater appreciation for things I used to take for granted and also having deeper conversations with friends.


Maybe it’s that small talk seems so trivial now in light of the pandemic, or maybe it’s the shared knowledge that we’re all going through some sort of trauma and we’re all listening to each other more. I hope some of that kindness stays long after the pandemic ends. This is a time of great anxiety and uncertainty for all of us, and I find it reassuring to remind myself that this too shall pass. In the meantime, I’m staying connected to family and friends. I think it’s important to check up on them, and nice to be checked up on. Perhaps the world in the new normal will be better than the old normal. I look forward to the day that I can see all your lovely faces again in person. Until then, please stay healthy and safe. Virtual hugs to all.

Paul Winestock:

Hi, ssh listen. It’s the early sounds of spring in Toronto. It’s Paul Winestock and I’ve been asked by the CCE to talk about how the challenging time of the pandemic has affected my days, my time. And of course, I don’t have work right now and I don’t foresee any work too soon and not in the next couple of months. So, I’m just trying to enjoy each day as much as I can giving a bit of purpose with projects. So I’ve been spending time in my garden building a trellis and prepping the garden for the summer season. I do stuff around the house–whatever my meager talents can manage such as painting or little fix ups here and there. And then in the evenings the family gets together and we will do a puzzle or play game, Rummy cubes, Settlers of Catan. We like to attack each other full throttle.


We do some cooking and baking. We’re baking every few nights actually. The carrot cake we learned a lesson that came out raw. The cheesecake brownies were a huge hit. I go down the rabbit hole of YouTube and Spotify and listen to new music and old music. And we’ve been binge watching shows like Bosch and I Unorthodox. And then we’ve gone to older shows like The Wire and re-watching The Wire and Battlestar Galactica, the 2004 version, which was one of our family favorites.


And when we feel like a good silly comedy, we go to HBO, Angie Tribeca, which is like an airplane movie humor, like the movie airplane. It’s great, silly fun. Anyways, I hope everyone is well and healthy, and I look forward to seeing any of you, all of you at an edit facility at a corridor, CCE event sometime in the near future. Thanks for listening.

Sarah Hedar:

Hi, this is Sarah Hedar and I’m in Vancouver, BC. Like pretty much everyone else. I’ve been social isolating and although I’m sure the sentiments played out, it hasn’t been a huge stretch for me to spend more time alone given my chosen profession. But despite that, I am looking forward to seeing more friends and family as restrictions ease up and in each phase. And in the meantime, I’ve been catching up on rest and working on some of my own projects and I’ve also been able to take the time to just watch more content and especially trying to see more work from friends and colleagues and peers.


So it’s been pretty great to see the caliber of work that’s out there. And I’ve also been trying to keep track of where our industry is headed in terms of productions resuming, and what that could look like for protocols and budgets and how that’s going to affect post-production. While there’s just so much uncertainty, and just also looking at where I’d like to be when things start to pick up again and if there are any changes to be made there.


I know a lot of people aren’t really getting any time and that things have been really up and down for a lot of folks, and people are just managing a lot. So, wherever anyone is at, I just hope you’re able to find your part and your peace and all this and make it through and I truly wish everyone the best.


Mike Munn:

Hi, my name’s Mike Munn and I’m a film editor and I live in Peterborough, Ontario. Like most other editors, I’ve been working remotely since the lockdown started in around mid-March and it has obviously a very big downside. There’s nothing like working with people in the same room and interacting in that way, but editing to a degree is conducive to working on your own. And I’m actually looking at this as a learning experience.


I’m trying to look at the upside as a kind of a dry run for doing more of my work remotely in the future because I live in Peterborough and all of my work is out of Toronto. If I can avoid staying in town and commuting into town to work periodically, I’d love to do more of that. I’ve been hesitant in the past just because  working out the technical logistics of working at home has always been something I’ve not really looked forward to but I’m being forced to do it now.


So in a way I guess the benefit for me of this whole period is going to be having set myself up at home and learning to work with filmmakers remotely is something perhaps I can do more of in the future. I’m trying to look at the upside of this whole situation and the other thing I would say just in terms of my two-sentence worth with how I keep myself sane and functioning the way I should, for me it’s routine. I’d follow the same routines I would if I was working with other people or going somewhere else to work.


It’s getting up in the morning, getting dressed and isolating myself in the part of the house where my edit suite is and feeling like I’m going to another place and keeping up all the routines I would do when I’m normally editing, which is taking a break periodically and finishing more or less the same time every day. Trying to not work in the evenings too much. For me, that’s always been the way to not burn out or not overdo it. Keep up a regular routine, so anyway, good luck to everyone. This will be over eventually and work will return to normal, so. Okay, bye.

Michèle Hozer:

Hi, my name is Michèle Hozer. I’m a documentary editor and filmmaker. In 2017, my husband and I bought a property in Prince Edward County. We had spent the previous year working on a documentary for TVO here, and we fell in love with the place. The plan was supposed to be in about five years from now, I’d be able to have a full time studio and production office here. In the meantime, I was going back and forth from Toronto to the County working mainly in the city during the week.


When the pandemic hit, I realized that I can set up shop full time here in the County. I brought my favorite equipment including a standup desk and started cutting here. Okay. There are challenges working here in the County, notably, a really bad internet. But with a little bit of creativity, I’m able to crunch down files small enough to upload them onto Vimeo and Dropbox. My two favorite tools working remotely. It’s great working here in the County. We’re able to go for long walks and we’re near the lake.


So I’m very grateful to be here. The question remains, what’s going to happen to our industry? I know a lot of people whose productions are on hold because of COVID-19. What’s it going to look like next year at this time? I am optimistic though with the little ingenuity. I think we’ll be able to work around it or at least I hope so. Good luck to us all.

Paul Day:

Hi Sarah, it’s Paul Day. Thank you so much for allowing me to be part of this extra special podcast. During this crazy time, I know for myself, keeping busy and cooking and reaching out to as many people as I possibly can has really been a help for me. Friends who I’ve missed and thanks to sort of social media and Instagram, Facebook and Zoom and FaceTime, emails. It’s definitely one of those times that reaching out and connecting with your friends in any capacity is the best medicine I think.


For maintaining creativity, I’ve been playing a lot with Photoshop and learning a little bit about After Effects and watching a lot of videos on the making of things and the editing of things and reading books on the editing and being part of the DGC and the Canadian Cinema Editors. I’ve been able to interview some editors and I was interviewed for some things as well. If it’s a small way of reaching out to people who are just starting off in the business or just for the same simple interest of people who are in the business who want to learn more about what we do and sort of peek inside the trials and tribulations of a cutting room or than where they started. And the multiple levels of appreciation for people that you meet along the way. And the understanding that a career doesn’t happen overnight. A career is built over time and hard work and perseverance and it takes an army to build a career. And I wish everyone the best. My career has always been in the sense of giving back as much as I can because I just think people need opportunities. And they want to see that people care about the next generation. And I think that’s important, more prevalent in post-production because we’re always so isolated away.


And to have editors reach out and talk to people and share their experiences is a good thing. And I think everyone should do that. This COVID experience is yet another chapter in people’s lives, in their careers, whether they’re just starting off or whether they’ve been in it for 20, 30, 40 years. It?s definitely a trying time to think of a more frugal way of living, which I guess we should all do anyways. This too will pass. If somebody’s listening to this and they’re feeling down or they’re feeling low, I encourage them to reach out to friends and just say, “Hey, I’m not feeling well today. Do you have 10 minutes or 20 minutes to have a cup of tea and just chat on the phone.”


But there’s also times to just get outside and walk the dog and enjoy the silence. Thinking about I’m taking the dog for a walk, how quiet it is outside. So I kind of relish in that. And just one day at a time, we will all get through this and we will all get to a point where we’ll look back on this and go, “Gee, we survived this.” So anyways again, this is a great idea for a podcast and I hope I’ve contributed something. And again I can’t thank you enough and the board at the Canadian Cinema Editors for the amount of work that you have all put in to entertain and to inform and to build up the prestige and the fascination that people should have with editorial. You guys definitely have been knocking it out of the park. Take care everybody. We’ll see you on the other side of this. Bye.

Krystal Moss:

Hello, Bonjour. My name is Krystal Moss from Edmonton, Alberta and I’m a bilingual editor here and a new mom to a baby girl that was born this past January. While the pandemic has brought certainly unique challenges to motherhood, my day to day hasn’t changed a whole lot during my maternity leave. I’d love to share with you all some sounds from my home in the hopes that it brings you a little bit of joy today. We’ve got some baby girl gurgles [Baby gurgles].


Here I am dusting off my guitar while baby naps. [Guitar strumming.] And with the help of my downstairs neighbor Ben, here is ?Wrap Your Troubles In Dreams and Dream Your Troubles Away.? [Music playing] Take care editors. Remember that the sunshine always follows the rain.

Sarah Taylor:

A special thank you to all the editors that took time to share with us today. Thank you to Jane MacRae, Jenni McCormick from ACE, Stephen Philipson, CCE and my auntie Heather Urness for helping inspire this episode. I hope you’re all well and safe. Take care. 

The episode artwork was designed by  Jane MacRae, music provided by Soundstripe. This episode was mixed and mastered by Tony Bao. If you’ve enjoyed this podcast, please rate and review us on Apple podcasts, and tell your friends to tune in. Til next time, I’m your host, Sarah Taylor.

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Un grand Merci à

Jane MacRae

Jenni McCormick from ACE

Stephen Philipson, CCE

Heather Urnes

Animé, produit et monté par

Sarah Taylor

Episode graphic designed by

Jane McRae

Mixé et masterisé par

Tony Bao

Music by



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